
Constituency (Parliament)

Past Constituency: from 28th December 2007 to 14th January 2013

CDF Projects (232)

There are 232 CDF projects in Butula. These are the most expensive:

  • Orphan Rescue Centre ‚Äì Benga (2003): Ksh 26,032,878 spent on College Construction,computer&Furniture,Bull scheme. (more)
  • Ogallo mkt,Tingolo&Bumala'B'-Electricity (2008): Ksh 6,500,000 spent on Electricity extension. (more)
  • Constituency office const. (2004): Ksh 6,181,217 spent on Construction of office const. (more)
  • Bukhalalire water Pipeline (2007): Ksh 4,940,000 spent on Waterpipeline Construction. (more)
  • Namabasa ‚Äì Sikura bridge constr. (2004): Ksh 3,042,000 spent on Bridge construction. (more)
  • AP Line Burinda constr. Of AP houses (2004): Ksh 2,850,000 spent on AP houses Construction. (more)
  • Bwaliro girls secondary School (2003): Ksh 2,600,000 spent on Classrooms Construction. (more)
  • Bwaliro girls secondary School (2007): Ksh 2,100,000 spent on Dorm. Const. (more)
  • Lugulu a.c secondary School(Dorm.) (2007): Ksh 2,100,000 spent on Dorm. Const. (more)
  • Bulemia,Bukalama,Bulwani, Bumala, Masebula,Kamrembo, Bukhwaku, Ogina road (2008): Ksh 2,070,000 spent on Grading roads. (more)


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