Keiyo North

Constituency (Parliament)

Past Constituency: from 28th December 2007 to 14th January 2013

CDF Projects (201)

There are 201 CDF projects in Keiyo North. These are the most expensive:

  • Kessup Day secondary School (2004): Ksh 2,629,000 spent on dining/classes . (more)
  • Kabulwo Secondary School (2003): Ksh 2,579,000 spent on Classrooms construction. (more)
  • Sergoit/Kaplamai W/ P (2003): Ksh 2,530,442 spent on Piping . (more)
  • Iten Mixed Day Secondary School (2005): Ksh 2,529,000 spent on 8 Classes . (more)
  • Chebonet secondary School (2004): Ksh 2,429,000 spent on Construction of dining hall . (more)
  • Korkitony Secondary School (2005): Ksh 2,429,000 spent on Construction of 4 classrooms. (more)
  • Kaptum Secondary School (2003): Ksh 2,399,000 spent on Dormitory/dining . (more)
  • Sergoit Secondary School (2005): Ksh 2,329,000 spent on Library/ Electricity . (more)
  • Anin Secondary School (2004): Ksh 2,279,000 spent on Dormitory /Classes. (more)
  • Korkitony/Kendur water project (2004): Ksh 2,050,000 spent on Piping . (more)


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