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    "id": 12162,
    "url": "",
    "text_counter": 468,
    "type": "speech",
    "speaker_name": "Mr. G. Nyamweya",
    "speaker_title": "",
    "speaker": null,
    "content": "The Constitutional Implementation Oversight Committee is a select Committee established under Section 4 of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution with the mandate of overseeing the implementation of the Constitution and which among other things is required to look at (a) (v) any impediments to the process of implementing this Constitution, (b) coordinate with the Attorney-General, the Commission on the Implementation of the Constitution and relevant parliamentary committees to ensure the timely introduction and passage of the legislation required by this Constitution and (c) take appropriate action on the reports, including addressing any problems in the implementation of this Constitution. Both these Motions are brought by the Committee on the Implementation of the Constitution. The Constitution requires that we ought to have referred these matters to the relevant departmental committee. The Constitution also requires that in these proceedings, the committee’s recommendations shall be tabled before the House, which has been done and that the proceedings of the committees and of the House shall be in public. It was intended that when the committees evaluate whatever nominees, the process be open to the members of the public. As it has happened, we appear to be in a big rush. We have not allowed any participation of the public, other than a committee being seen on television or heard on radio."