GET /api/v0.1/hansard/entries/4011/?format=api
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    "id": 4011,
    "url": "",
    "text_counter": 290,
    "type": "speech",
    "speaker_name": "Eng. Gumbo",
    "speaker_title": "",
    "speaker": {
        "id": 24,
        "legal_name": "Nicholas Gumbo",
        "slug": "nicholas-gumbo"
    "content": "So, I support this Motion because we will be able to reach this useful information at our fingertips to be able to make key decisions. I laud my good friend, Dr. Khalwale, for bringing the issue of our heroes who have passed through here. In this year and age, it should be possible, for instance, if I want to know about Jean Marie Seronei. I should be able to just type the name Seronei and it should be possible for me to see both his contribution in text, audio and video. This is the area that we need to go. The other day, I got very embarrassed when I went to one of the schools. Normally when I go to schools, I try to dish out some quick quizzes and also reward those students who are alert. I was amazed that among the 40 candidates who were sitting for Kenya Certificate of Primary School (KCPE), there was no one seemed to know who the first Attorney-General of Kenya was. With that, it showed that there is a big gap and we need to be able to provide this information and make it available so that we can be useful."