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    "id": 6405,
    "url": "",
    "text_counter": 412,
    "type": "speech",
    "speaker_name": "Dr. Khalwlale",
    "speaker_title": "The Temporary Deputy Speaker",
    "speaker": {
        "id": 170,
        "legal_name": "Bonny Khalwale",
        "slug": "bonny-khalwale"
    "content": " Hon. Members, the effect of the amendment proposed by hon. Mbiuki is that it changes the Motion to read as follows:- THAT, deeply concerned with the devastation of the prolonged drought on farming activities that has occasioned heavy losses to farmers; aware that many affected farmers have loans from the Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC) amounting to a total of Kshs4.48 billion; concerned that the prolonged drought has adversely affected farmers’ capacity to service their said loans, with the effect that a loan portfolio of Kshs1.81 billion has now been classified by AFC as bad loans due to widespread default; convinced that unless this loan portfolio in default is addressed urgently, the AFC and the agricultural sector face the risk of irreparable damage; acknowledging the key role played by the AFC in financing the agricultural sector and the importance of supporting farmers countrywide as the anchor for vision 2030, this House urges the Government to urgently avail a grant of Kshs2 billion to the Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC) to enable it to carry out debt restructuring in all 47 counties adversely affected by the prolonged drought in the country and to provide additional financing in crop production, livestock production, irrigated agriculture and fish farming."