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    "id": 884,
    "url": "",
    "text_counter": 389,
    "type": "speech",
    "speaker_name": "Prof. Muigai",
    "speaker_title": "The Attorney-General",
    "speaker": {
        "id": 408,
        "legal_name": "Githu Muigai",
        "slug": "githu-muigai"
    "content": " Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, let me make one thing very clear because I may have been quoted out of context, and I want this to go on record. My own understanding of the instructions from the His Excellency the President is that His Excellency the President, in person and his entire Government, are committed to the rule of law. We are committed to the enforcement of the Constitution that we waited for so long to get. His Excellency the President recognises that Parliament enacted this legislation on 14th April, 2010. The President understands perfectly well the reasons for which this particular statute was enacted. What His Excellency the President has sought to do, and what I think unhappily now we are not able to do in the context in which we are debating this, is that the substance of the amendment is not now available to the House from me. We are discussing the procedural issue of whether it should or it should not be laid on the Table of the House; but in the same debate, hon. Members are contributing on the substance without an opportunity, on my part, to lay the ground; this I was going to do substantively, as to why, in the opinion of the President, as advised by our then Attorney- General, my worthy predecessor, the hon. Amos Wako, on 26th August; he sought to persuade Parliament that there should be an amendment. The decision as to whether that amendment is a good or not is a matter of debate, and if this House determines that it has rejected the proposed amendment by the President, both the President and the Government will comply with the law as made by this House. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, hon. Farah Maalim, who is one of my oldest friends and a very distinguished Member of this House, has alluded to a comparison to international criminal offences, to Nazi offences and so on. I want to say with respect that that is a slight exaggeration of what we are dealing with here. Kenya engaged with the"