12 Feb 2025 in Senate:
I am a Member of the Standing Committee on Education. I rise to give notice of the following Motion- THAT, the Senate adopts the Report of the Standing Committee on Education on a Petition to the Senate regarding the discrimination by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on payment of hardship and enhanced allowances to some teachers in Kilifi and Taita Taveta counties, laid on the Table of the Senate on Tuesday, 8th October 2024. Thank you.
11 Feb 2025 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for giving me this opportunity. I fully support the names given to work in the SBC. I know they will do a good job. I encourage them like Sen. Mungatana has said, to prioritise the Senate Bills first. This is because when our Bills go to the National Assembly, they are delayed. So, we should also prioritise our Bills here before we deal with the National Assembly's Bills.
20 Nov 2024 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Let her proceed first and then I will go afterwards.
20 Nov 2024 in Senate:
Okay. Mr. Speaker, Sir, my question is not in line with what is going on, but I would like to know from the Cabinet Secretary (CS)--- First of all, congratulations for your coming back. You have been good at your work and we congratulate you for the good work that you are doing. If the rest of the CSs were like you, Kenya would be good. Hon. Cabinet Secretary, I would like to know if it is in line with the law, for a cooperative society of lands not to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for five years and ...
20 Nov 2024 in Senate:
Hon. Cabinet Secretary, I am still following up on the issue of Katelembu. There are people who were born there by their parents who were shareholders of the piece of land. Despite that, today they are being called squatters and are being evicted. We are talking of people aged 70, 80 and 90 years old living on that piece of land. Today they are being called squatters and society wants them out. It is only that, by the grace of God, I together with the late hon. Kabaka, have been defending them. That is why I would request the Hon. ...
14 Nov 2024 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, for this opportunity. I want to start by saying that I do not support this Bill. The reasons I will not even support it is because, from our forefathers, this nation was built through harambee. There are three very important harambees that people conduct in this country. One is fundraising for school fees. Even now, after the National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG- CDF) is in place, it cannot provide school fees or bursaries for each and every child, especially those who are coming from very poor backgrounds. That is a harambee that I will ...
14 Nov 2024 in Senate:
They are not getting the help that they were getting before. They cannot even afford money to pay for accommodation. So, they are going to college and loitering around during daytime and going to look for abandoned places to go and sleep because they cannot afford. I can never vote for this Bill to continue because what are we telling those students who cannot afford school fees right now? They have no food to eat, they have nowhere to sleep, yet we are sleeping comfortably and here we are making laws to continue oppressing them? The second reason I cannot ...
14 Nov 2024 in Senate:
build mosques for them. Pastors as well depend on their congregations and well- wishers to build churches. Let me detach myself completely from this. The Bible tells me that you can never touch the apple of the eye of God. If we touch the church, we will be fighting with God. I am sure there is no one particular man or kingdom that can fight with God. Since we build churches through fundraising, I will say no to this Bill, unless we allocate funds for churches to do their developments. If the Government allocates funds for churches, then we can ...
13 Nov 2024 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, for giving me this opportunity. It is sad to be here every Wednesday morning and not see any Cabinet Secretary coming to answer the questions. It is important for them to know that we have cancelled all other businesses for this House on Wednesday Morning to give the questions first priority because we needed to ask questions on the issues they should be doing. We have even cancelled Committee meetings. I am here this morning because of the 1998 bomb blast. The people are suffering without any care from our Government. I was ready to ...
30 Oct 2024 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Hon. Cabinet Secretary, I want to know how prepared you are about the Grade 8 candidates who are supposed to go to Grade 9 in January considering that many of the schools have no infrastructure. I do not know what you are doing about that as a matter of urgency. You can update us on what you are planning to do.