24 May 2022 in National Assembly:
I thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman.
24 May 2022 in National Assembly:
The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
24 May 2022 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move: THAT, the Bill be amended by deleting Clause 8 and inserting the following new clause−
24 May 2022 in National Assembly:
Amendment of Section 19 of No. 30 of 2015. 8. Section 19 of the principal Act is amended by deleting subsection (1) and inserting the following new subsection−
24 May 2022 in National Assembly:
“(1) The office of a member of the Board for a member appointed under paragraphs (e) and (f) of section 15(1) shall become vacant if the member—
24 May 2022 in National Assembly:
(a) resigns by giving written notice to the Cabinet Secretary; or
24 May 2022 in National Assembly:
(b) is removed from office on any one or more of the following grounds—
24 May 2022 in National Assembly:
(i) serious violation of the Constitution or any other law;
24 May 2022 in National Assembly:
(ii) gross misconduct, whether in performance of the member’s or office holder’s functions or otherwise;
24 May 2022 in National Assembly:
(iii) physical or mental incapacity to perform the functions of office;