27 Apr 2022 in National Assembly:
Our parties stand for expanded democratic space in this country. I can see that Hon. Ichung’wah is laughing. It is still true. We stand for that.
27 Apr 2022 in National Assembly:
As we mourn the fallen hero today, I appeal that we emulate the things that he did for this country. He grew this country and ensured that there is equitable distribution of resources. He visited my constituency in Bungoma County and started Kibabii Diploma Training College. People had prayed for it for many years. Eventually, he started Kibabii University. He did many things that he will be remembered for.
27 Apr 2022 in National Assembly:
As we mourn the fallen hero today, I appeal that we emulate the things that he did for this country. He grew this country and ensured that there is equitable distribution of resources. He visited my constituency in Bungoma County and started Kibabii Diploma Training College. People had prayed for it for many years. Eventually, he started Kibabii University. He did many things that he will be remembered for.
27 Apr 2022 in National Assembly:
May his soul rest in everlasting peace. Amen.
27 Apr 2022 in National Assembly:
May his soul rest in everlasting peace. Amen.
8 Feb 2022 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to give a Statement on the status of the receipt and disbursement of NG-CDF as of 7th February, 2022. This follows a request by Members who sought to know why the National Treasury has not released funds to the constituencies for bursaries and projects that have not been completed. I will go straight to the prevailing status and skip the preliminaries. On Fund allocation and receipt to-date for Financial Year 2021/2022, the NG-CDF was allocated a total of Kshs41,714,800,000. Subsequent to the allocation, the Board determined the financial ceiling for each constituency in consultation ...
8 Feb 2022 in National Assembly:
the NG-CDF Committees to embark on preparation of project proposals for this Financial Year. The Board has since deliberated on all the 290 project proposals from the constituencies. Hon. Speaker, Section 39 (2) provides that disbursement of funds to the Constituency Fund Account shall be effected at the beginning of the first quarter of each financial year with an initial amount equivalent to twenty-five per centum of the annual allocation for the constituency and thereafter the Constituency Fund Account shall be replenished in three equal instalments at the beginning of the second, third and fourth quarters of the financial ear. ...
8 Feb 2022 in National Assembly:
from the National Treasury, we have asked the Board to release the Kshs2 billion, which would amount to about Kshs5 million per constituency. The National Treasury has not complied with the law in terms of release of funds to constituencies. As of now, we ought to have received at least three-thirds of the total allocation, which would amount to about Kshs100 million per constituency. As at now, each constituency on average has received Kshs66 million. The balance is between Kshs45 million and Kshs50 million. I have engaged the leadership. You are aware, Hon. Speaker, and your office has been very ...
8 Feb 2022 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, Hon. Speaker. I also want to thank Members for their comments. On arrears, I want to stress the fact that this House passed a resolution. The Committee on Implementation had invited the Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury and Planning and urged him to take the House resolution seriously and ensure that the pending arrears are captured in the Supplementary Budget. So, it is just a matter of arrogance on the part of the Cabinet Secretary. In fact, the Committee we set up comprised of the National Treasury, State Department for Planning, the NG-CDF and the ...
8 Feb 2022 in National Assembly:
Thank you for your protection, Hon. Speaker. What Hon. Lessonet said amounts to loose talk. In Eldama Ravine, he was heckled because of that kind of loose talk. I do not wish to respond to that kind of behaviour by a Member like Hon. Lessonet. With those few remarks, I thank you and thank Members very much for their comments.