23 May 2024 in Senate:
you visit the hospital, you are informed that there is no medicine. Through cost sharing, we have allowed them to spend at source. Finally, the proposed cancer institute shall collaborate with the national Government department responsible for health to promote the training of human resources for oncology services. You have seen the challenges of the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS). I have had the privilege of sitting on the Committee on County Public Accounts for some time now. When IFMIS and the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database (IPPD) were introduced, most counties struggled with these systems. This is why ...
23 May 2024 in Senate:
Yes, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir.
23 May 2024 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. That was useful information. I will attend the launch. No one can stop reggae. Those who supported the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) used this slogan. However, BBI was stopped, but not reggae. Reggae is a way of life. BBI was stopped, but reggae was not stopped. Reggae will continue. I hope to listen to that album when you launch it. I hope Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, who is used to listening to Rhumba and Kanda Bongo Man songs, will attend so that we can teach him the way of Rastafarians. He only listens to ...
23 May 2024 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only.A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and Audio Services,Senate.
23 May 2024 in Senate:
the reason we are pushing for more resources to go to the counties is to ensure that we put in place the necessary healthcare infrastructure. I am allowed one hour and still have 30 minutes to go, but I want to end there, so that I allow my colleagues to also contribute to this. I expect all Senators to contribute to this Bill and I will be patient to listen on the issue of cancer prevention. Cancer is a serious problem. When you go to Kisii, where Sen. Orwoba comes from, I can assure you that she might be in ...
23 May 2024 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, a lot has been said and I want to thank colleagues for the wonderful contribution to this Bill that we have debated today. The conclusion has been done by the gracious lady, Sen. Crystal Asige, Sen. Tabitha Mutinda, the seconder and Sen. Tabitha Keroche. The weekend is approaching and I hope that she has prepared something for us, as the Acting Senate Majority Leader. There is also my senior brother, Sen. Mungatana, mla mamba and many others. I know that you would have contributed, but because of your unique position, it would not be in order. ...
23 May 2024 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I empathize and sympathize to the many victims of cancer. We call you heroes. For those who have lost their loved ones, we empathize and
23 May 2024 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only.A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and Audio Services,Senate.
23 May 2024 in Senate:
pray for you. We are doing everything we can to fight the cancer menace, which continues to not only kill our people, but also deteriorate them by making them lose their property and wealth. We pray, support and wish you all well.
23 May 2024 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, in that same breadth, pursuant to Standing Order No.66(3), I request that the putting of the question be deferred to a later date for division.