Cherarkey K Samson

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 6661 to 6670 of 6711.

  • 14 Mar 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, okay. view
  • 14 Mar 2018 in Senate: So, do I table the --- view
  • 14 Mar 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, let me just go through the recommendations and then Table the Report. I beg your indulgence, just quickly. The Standing Committee on Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights resolves that:- (1) The Report of the Committee be forwarded to the National Land Commission (NLC) to undertake investigations on land injustices suffered by the Talai Clan, pursuant to the National Land Commission (Investigation of Historical Land Injustices) Regulations, 2017 (L.N. No. 258 of 2017) and recommend appropriate remedies for the community. Further, that the NLC shall submit a report to the Senate on this particular issue within 6 ... view
  • 14 Mar 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Report on the Table of the Senate, today, Thursday 15th, March, 2018. Report of the Senate Committee on Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights on a petition by Isaac Aluoch Aluochier on the usage of the word “harambee” in the Coat Of Arms and the Public Seal reported by the Speaker on 14th February, 2018. The Committee made the following observations:- (1) That languages are dynamic and often borrow and give new meaning to words, noting that the people of the east African coast have been in contact with many cultures ... view
  • 14 Mar 2018 in Senate: is widely used and accepted. “Harambee” is defined in the Kiswahili dictionary as “ Mwito wa kutia moyo watu ili kuweza kusukuma na kuvuta kitu. (3) That the plain and ordinary meaning of the word “Harambee” as defined by view
  • 14 Mar 2018 in Senate: is widely used and accepted. “Harambee” is defined and used in the Kiswahili dictionary as such. The Committee on Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights, therefore, resolved that the Petition did not have merit. It is, therefore, my pleasant duty to lay this Report before the Senate. view
  • 14 Mar 2018 in Senate: Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to express my comments on the County Governments (Amendment) Bill, 2017. I am a Member of the senate Committee on Devolved Government and Intergovernmental Relations. From the outset, I thank the Senate Majority Leader, who happens to have been my lecturer in international Law at Moi University. I am happy and excited to be part of the Amendments he has brought before the House. This Bill could not have come at a better time. This is because coincidentally, a fortnight ago, the Supreme Court of Kenya under Reference No. 1 ... view
  • 13 Mar 2018 in Senate: Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. I join my colleagues in saying that there is no better time than now for this law to be passed by this House. It comes against the backdrop of most governors who were being sworn in without a legal framework that was in place. It will allow a seamless transition from the outgoing governor and governor-elect. The Assumption of the Office of County Governor Bill, 2018 is very important. It will address some of these challenges we have faced over time. Madam Temporary Speaker, the biggest test was 2017. The second generation of governors were ... view
  • 13 Mar 2018 in Senate: That was my worry but I now know that at least he is watching or taking notes and he might want to check the records of the House. Madam Temporary Speaker, I was specific on the funding because counties are notorious in abusing and misusing public funds. We should look at the funding and put ceilings. Somebody who should set up such committee could lose an election. It could be a governor and he or she might even not show up during the swearing in of the incoming governor. What will prevent him or her to use that avenue yet ... view
  • 8 Mar 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I agree with the sentiments of Sen. M. Kajwang' that the employment Authority in itself seems not to be alive to what they should be doing. It is very unfortunate if they can only reach 18,000 young people in terms of registration. It seems that they have not tried their best to ensure that they reach the young people, even those at the lowest level. Some of us who are young know what the young people are undergoing in our counties. In this country, we have the highest number of young people in our history. We need ... view


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