Cherarkey K Samson

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  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 6691 to 6700 of 6711.

  • 15 Feb 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, given the gravity of the issue that Sen. Lelegwe has raised; that the families are now starving, two weeks is a long time for those families based on such a serious issue. By the time the answer is given, they might have died, therefore, it will be a disaster. The Committee should give the matter the urgency it deserves. view
  • 15 Feb 2018 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I agree that there are so many issues that cannot be dealt with at short notice. However, I want to agree with the Senate Minority Leader that the Chairman should report to this House, at least, by Tuesday on what interventions have been put in place to prevent the humanitarian crisis that we are staring at. He should also report on the recovery status, because those people depend on livestock. view
  • 14 Dec 2017 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. From the onset I congratulate all Senators who have been nominated to serve various committees. I agree with some of the statements that have been made by my Senate colleagues that most of these issues will be done in a bi-partisan way so that we continue to guard the interests of our counties and nation at large. However, I would like to invite some of our colleagues to be well versed with the Constitution as it is very clear that the role of the Senate is not divided based on whether Senator is from Minority ... view
  • 7 Dec 2017 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I rise to second. In the same vein, I want to take this opportunity to thank the Joint Parliamentary Select Committee for the good work they did. I agree that the membership from Kenya has not been elected to the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) because of timelines that The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes view
  • 7 Dec 2017 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I rise to support this report and say, as I indicated earlier, that it is very important as we move forward especially with the so many issues that EALA should handle. I want to agree with most of my colleagues who said that EALA has a mandate and should not be a retirement home but rather a place of duty and honour. This is because these people are not only members who are elected to EALA, but they are also ambassadors and, therefore, they are a brand for this country. I hope these men ... view
  • 7 Dec 2017 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I rise to support this Motion. I agree with what both Sen. Kihika, the Senator for Nakuru County and Sen. (Prof.) Ongeri have said. Listening to Sen. (Prof.) Ongeri is very inspiring because he has a lot of experience. He has powerful words and out of experience he has Solomonic wisdom which we should capture so that in a nutshell, we protect it for posterity and ensure that we move forward. The National Irrigation Policy, 2017 is very timely. It is said that a healthy nation is a wealthy nation. One way of ensuring ... view
  • 5 Dec 2017 in Senate: Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. The annual reports of the county governments have come against the backdrop of the issues that have been raised. Devolution was meant to bring a lot of development and changes at the county level, especially from the level of wards up to the county level. It is very sad that as we look at this Report, there are so many issues that have been raised in the last five years. Some counties have done somehow well, but others are still lagging behind in terms of ensuring that there is proper development. It is shocking that ... view
  • 30 Nov 2017 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. As a matter of clarification, the Statement has not stated that some of the alleged young men that were killed had mental problems. It is inconsistent with what happened and on what time because we had not given the time that the police are alleging that they stole the television. Another clarification is that the suspects who are still at large are known within the community and they live around. view
  • 30 Nov 2017 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to seek further clarification. I appreciate that Sen. Murkomen was my lecturer in law class and he did a lot of due diligence. My observation is that the people who were killed – that is Mr. Stanley Kipchirchir and Mr. Micah Kiplimo – were mentally unstable or ill. Therefore, the assertion that the Statement is trying to put across – that they were stealing – is not captured very well. So, I think Sen. Murkomen should get that point clear. Finally, I do not think he said anything about compensation. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. ... view
  • 30 Nov 2017 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, there is something I want to find out from the Leader of Majority. One of the issues is to create more opportunities for youth but in this Kshs24 billion, as a clarification, we need to get from the counties how much is being allocated to PWDs, the youth and other vulnerable groups vis-a-vis what we are having – allocation of tenders at the national Government. So, I would like the Senate Majority Leader to clarify on that and then give us the criteria or the allocations that has been given in totality of all 47 counties vis-a-vis ... view


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