Cherarkey K Samson

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 691 to 700 of 6803.

  • 28 May 2024 in Senate: Today, I was having a conversation with some of the working groups in this country. They told me the credibility of the Senate as the ‘Upper House’ of Parliament of the Republic of Kenya is always high. I support Sen. Dullo's amendment that any Member of the Senate, whether elected through the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition party, Kenya Kwanza Coalition, or Jubilee party, has a right to participate. In essence, even the Deputy Party Leader of the Democratic People's Party, Sen. Alex Munyi Mundigi, should be given the right of freedom of association and political rights as envisaged ... view
  • 28 May 2024 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, can you protect me from Sen. Methu who is moving my notes to distract me, but tunasema ashindwe . What we are saying in an upshot is that these decisions can be made. With those very many remarks, I beg to support and allow us to move to other agendas of the day. view
  • 28 May 2024 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I thank and congratulate Sen. Kibwana. She has been doing tremendous work, especially in legislative business. I am happy that these are issues we have been grappling as the Senate County Public Accounts Committee (CPAC). As the Vice-Chairperson of CPAC, one of the audit queries that we have always considered has been own-source revenue and the running of the county treasury. So, the amendment of The Public Finance Management Act is to make sure we put in place necessary mechanisms for accountability purposes and to ensure revenue collection. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report ... view
  • 28 May 2024 in Senate: In our brief in the CPAC, we normally ask revenue potential of each county. You will find that there is no county that has ever met revenue system. I remember today there was a county that we were meeting, Laikipia County Executive, and they had missed their own source revenue target by over Kshs411 million, apart from the revenue they had set, which is not realistic. Nandi County Executive has a potential target of Kshs630 million on own source revenue according to Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA). However, it has never gone beyond Kshs400 million. So, it means most of ... view
  • 28 May 2024 in Senate: given a standard shade. The former President Mwai Kibaki used to tell us kulipa ushuruni kujitegemea . That has been the essence. I do not know whether the mover noted that we passed the Facilities Improvement Financing Act, 2023. Through cost sharing aspect we allowed that if you are collecting money in Kapsabet County Referral Hospital, or any other hospital such as Mbagathi Hospital, you are allowed to spend money at source, for ambulance and support services. We should relook at this in the Committee of the Whole, more specifically on the aspect of cost sharing in our hospitals so ... view
  • 28 May 2024 in Senate: Why is the retired judge referring to your practice in Eldoret? I think he needs some information. In the last session, you are aware that the revenue collections for the Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) was in partnership with Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). Their organisations were Jambo Pay and Safaricom. No one is telling us that counties are hiring revenue systems. I know the chairperson of the Standing Committee on County Public Investments and Special Funds (CPISF) will tell us later in his contribution whether this is the case. No one knows how much is being paid through agency fee. The ... view
  • 28 May 2024 in Senate: If Safaricom, Jambo Pay and KRA are collecting, we need transparency and value for money. For example, In the case of Kwale or Kilifi County, the agency fee was more than half of what they were collecting. It is not fair in terms for the county treasury. Even as we do the system, it must be simple, transparent and verifiable. The best practice we can borrow is from KRA. I know to some of us, KRA is not a good name to mention to, but it is the one that collects revenue on behalf of all of us. Even as ... view
  • 28 May 2024 in Senate: I always get surprised. I was in that county, I was like, what is happening? MCAs are supposed to do the oversight. We are pushing for a Ward Development Fund (WDF) for MCAs in this House. The President and all of us have agreed that they should get WDF. We are amending the Public Finance Management (PMF) Act to give them financial autonomy so that they do not wait for County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Finance and Economic Planning to give them resources. We are supporting the financial autonomy of MCAs. Third, we are pushing the Salaries and Remuneration ... view
  • 28 May 2024 in Senate: Our mediation team went and renegotiated downwards. We should have agreed with the National Assembly; there was no need for a mediation committee. I know they can argue that they added Kshs8 billion. A sum of Kshs8 billion is a small drop in an ocean of problems that we are facing in counties. How can we talk about the cost of transfer functions when they do not have resources? I want when I question my governor about performance; I do so with a lot of confidence, because I am aware we have given them enough resources. So, the mediation Committee ... view
  • 28 May 2024 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I support. This amendment is one of the best. Let us improve on it. I wish Sen. Hamida Kibwana all the best. view


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