19 Feb 2025 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this very important Bill. If it becomes an Act of Parliament, it will provide for the establishment of the Institute of Social Work Professionals and Board. I also want to congratulate the Member for introducing it. Social workers play a very crucial role in the society, especially in enlightening communities and assisting the vulnerable. They are an integral part of the society. It is very important to have a board that will regulate that institute. As the Mover of the Bill has indicated, we need to regulate ...
19 Feb 2025 in National Assembly:
will give correct information to the Cabinet Secretary and Government on the status of health matters. We have social workers who play a very crucial role in our hospitals. They identify vulnerable families that have lost their loved ones who are detained in mortuaries. Those social workers go an extra mile to establish the financial capacity of the bereaved, so that they can be assisted through waiver of hospital Bills. Those people are very important and they should have a regulatory framework. A board is being established to manage them so that they can give quality services to the people. ...
26 Nov 2024 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to also add my voice to the State of the Nation Address by His Excellency the President. First, I wish to commend and support the President on this Speech. He came out strongly and articulated the issues affecting this country openly. He also faced the challenges head-on and enumerated how we will tackle them. I encourage leaders, especially us, the politicians, to avoid politicking matters development. There is no country that can develop unless it grows economically and strengthens its economic base. This is one area where the President has ...
26 Nov 2024 in National Assembly:
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26 Nov 2024 in National Assembly:
move. We should all support it, educate our people and encourage them to register en masse so that they can benefit from this scheme. On affordable housing, the arable land in this country is small and if we build houses all over the country, we may end up using all of it on houses. We should build houses for our people so that even in rural areas, we will have enough land for farming. This will ensure that the homeless people will also have some place to call home. On security matters, I congratulate the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) ...
6 Nov 2024 in National Assembly:
Thank you Hon. Temporary Speaker for giving me this opportunity
15 Oct 2024 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Speaker. I rise to support this amendment. Everybody in this country knows the situation and financial position that we are in. I also believe that the Senate and the governors understand the position that we are in. Our revenue collection has gone down because of the condition in our country. Worldwide, in most countries, revenue collection is down. Therefore, this direction is in order. I support that the amendment be done so that we only spend what we have and live within our means. Going as per yesterday’s demands will not solve the problems that we ...
19 Sep 2024 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 44(2)(c), I rise to request for a statement from the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Administration and Internal Affairs regarding criminal activities in Ndoleli- Athiru Ruujine-Kirugugu Villages in Igembe Central Constituency. The Ndoleli-Athiru Ruujine in Kirugugu Villages in Igembe Central Constituency have been experiencing land disputes between the original residents and invaders from the neighbouring Tharaka and Eastern regions. There is an ongoing land dispute in those areas that has reached to a critical point, with reports indicating that the disputes have degenerated to violent confrontations between the invaders and original land ...
19 Sep 2024 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Speaker, the people who have been chased out of those farms are the genuine land owners with original and genuine documents. It is a matter of urgency. If the Government delays, we will have dangerous fatalities. Thank you.
18 Sep 2024 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. Pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order 44(2)(c), I rise to request for a statement from the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Tourism and Wildlife regarding the compensation for the destruction of crops in Igembe Central Constituency that is caused by wildlife. We have had cases where elephants have destroyed crops and even killed people. Hon. Deputy Speaker, Mr. Jeremiah Gitonga Luruti of Identification Number 9294171 owns a farm, Plot No.4044A/ Kongo, situated in Baibariu Sub-location in Igembe Central Constituency. In 2022, Mr. Jeremiah had planted crops, including green grams, in the farm measuring ...