Farah Maalim

Full name

Farah Maalim Mohamed




Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya






+254 20 2221291

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 3411 to 3420 of 3590.

  • 21 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, in my opinion, the Bankers Association must be an illegal association because it is a cartel. We must have laws to regulate it and stop it. Having said that, I want to talk about the security of this country. We are engaged in a war right now. In this war, we are helping the Somali people. I had said before that without carrying the Somali people on board, we will not succeed in winning this war. We must have a very serious civilian component in the struggle. We must carry the Somali on board. Otherwise, if they ... view
  • 14 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am thoroughly shocked. What the repeal of this law intends to achieve is to eliminate impunity. For somebody to insist that we maintain in our books; our statutes, a law that contravenes, not only our Constitution, but every other shred or vein of Constitution in any civilized environment. We are in a situation right now in the world in which the prison warders in the Auswich and who worked in Germany at the time of the Nazi Holocaust, those of them who are living are brought to book today. There is no statute of ... view
  • 14 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I agree with you but as the Attorney-General, he is the legal advisor to the Executive and the Executive is demonstrated, exemplified and overseen by the President. It is because of that, that I am telling him to not only accept what he has been told but to also advise the President and tell him what is constitutional and what is unconstitutional. We cannot keep this law in our books. It has to be repealed. You can even be taken to the International Criminal Court on the same, because there are no statutes of limitation ... view
  • 7 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Yes, Mr. Speaker, Sir. In supplementing that request, I want the Minister to also address the issue of the agreement that was done at an African Union (AU) Conference by AU Heads of States. They were going to dedicate a minimum of 15 per cent of ordinary revenue from every government to the health sector. Currently, our dedication is only a paltry 6 per cent. If that, indeed, is also going to happen in this budget for us to get close to realizing Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Nos.4, 5 and 6. In addition to that, the Ministry had a system ... view
  • 7 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to support this Motion with a very powerful rider. The operation is timely. This operation was initially Operation Linda Nchi . We went in to protect both our strategic economic interests--- view
  • 7 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Yes, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I know that hon. Munya can get insensitive at times, but I did not think that he would get insensitive to the extent of failing to notice the solidarity I have today with the striking doctors of this country, who treat him and his family. For those of you who do not know, this ribbon is the symbol for being in solidarity with the protesting doctors. We want them to be engaged and engaged properly, because they save lives. They are there to protect Kenyans but they have not been adequately rewarded. Nonetheless, it is only ... view
  • 7 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, he should have had one. There are so many of them right at the entry. Nonetheless--- view
  • 7 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I now accept that hon. Munya is fairly sensitive to the doctors’ plight. He will have one ribbon by the time he leaves this House and carry it for the next one week or until the doctors’ issue is sorted out. view
  • 7 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: The operation mounted by our national defence forces is Operation Linda Nchi . The purpose of the operation was to defend the security of our people, the security of the refugees who live amongst us, and who have been a target of the Al Shabaab; our economy was going to be badly affected given the rate at which Al Shabaab were carrying out their incursions into Kenya. I will also join other hon. Members in lauding our national defence forces. It is universally accepted that if you face a threat, you have the right of pursuit of the enemy. You ... view
  • 7 Dec 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, we have gone beyond that now and I think the name of the operation should now be changed to “ Operation Okoa Somalia ” because our defence forces right now are liberating the Somalis, who are under the york and the problems of the Al Shabaab. This is a fatalistic organisation that is clearly a criminal gang. We need to learn from history, so that we do not make the mistakes that were made in history by people who went into other people’s countries. Whether it was the Americans going into Vietnam to save democracy and the ... view


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