Francis Chachu Ganya

Parties & Coalitions




P.O. Box 298-60500 Marsabit


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1121 to 1130 of 1798.

  • 7 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I stand to support this Motion. This Commission was part of the Agenda No.4 that we agreed upon as a nation to reconcile our nation and move on after what happened in 2008. In this country, we have faced many injustices over the years. There have been many massacres. Very prominent Kenyans - and some of them Members of this august House - have lost their lives under very dubious circumstances. There is J.M. Kariuki, Tom Mboya, Dr. Ouko and many others. We want to know why they were killed. Hopefully, this Commission, as it reconciles ... view
  • 7 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I personally want to know why, during the Turbi Massacre, young children were murdered while they were learning in their classes. Why were those young Gabra children murdered in the Turbi Massacre of 2005? If we did a good job in terms of vetting members of this Commission from the outset, I think the wrangles that this Commission faced, whereby they wasted taxpayers’ money without doing any credible job at the beginning of their work, maybe, this extension would not be necessary. I want to be practical and pragmatic. Now that this Commission is taking so ... view
  • 7 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I hope that the report that they will provide to this nation with will enable us to move on, to reconcile and, hopefully, address some of the injustices that have been meted on Kenyans for so many years. I think it should be a lesson for us, as the august House that, in future, we should vet members of commissions in a very credible way, so that we do not have the wrong people for the right job. If we did that, the many months that they wasted wrangling could have been avoided. view
  • 7 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, as I conclude, I really hope that this Commission will give us a credible report, so that we can be at peace with ourselves. It should not create more disharmony and chaos instead of bringing this nation together. If they do that in a very credible way, that can be realized. view
  • 7 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: Thank you, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 2 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to give notice of the following Motion. THAT, this House adopts the Report of the Kenyan delegation to the 126th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union held in Kampala, Uganda, from the 31st of March to the 5th of April, 2012 laid on the Table of this House today, Thursday, August 2nd, 2012. view
  • 2 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, Article 69 of the Constitution is very clear. It clearly states that the state must ensure equitable sharing of accrued benefits from natural and environmental resources with the local communities. This is a constitutional provision and it is no longer a request we make to the state. What laws or policy does the Ministry have to ensure equitable sharing of accrued benefits from the environment and natural resources with the local communities? What instruments does the Assistant Minister have to see that Article 69 of the Constitution is brought to life and is practical? view
  • 2 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, you have heard the Assistant Minister say clearly that his Ministry is trying to do something. They have no roads in place. They also have no places. What are they doing to ensure that that article of the Constitution is brought to life? view
  • 2 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: asked the Minister for Education:- (a) whether he is aware that North Horr Girls Secondary School was constructed as a centre of excellence in 2010 under the Economic Stimulus Package and started operating in February, 2011 with 30 pioneer students; (b) whether he is also aware that the school still lacks a sewerage system, water system, kitchen, dining hall and administration block; and, (c) when the Ministry will provide additional funds to provide the necesssary facilities to the school considering that the allocated Kshs30 million is not sufficient. view
  • 2 Aug 2012 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I do concur with the Minister since the ESP was designed, implemented and conceived by the Ministry of Finance. It is their baby. I agree with him. view


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