All parliamentary appearances
Entries 1211 to 1220 of 1798.
2 May 2012 in National Assembly:
Ministry of Livestock Development, Mr. Speaker, Sir. It was to be issued on Thursday last week. I have waited for the whole of this week and it is yet to be issued.
26 Apr 2012 in National Assembly:
asked the Minister for Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs:- (a) what operational factors are used in determining a “sparsely populated” area within the meaning of Article 89(6) of the Constitution; and, (b) what areas are currently designated as sparsely populated.
26 Apr 2012 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, this Question is really about effective representation of Kenyans under the Constitution. North Horr which is 38,950 square kilometres with two persons per square kilometre is categorised with other constituencies, including the ones with 63 or 64 persons per square kilometre. If the Government really wants to ensure that Kenyans are effectively represented, what will it do to constituencies such as North Horr and Laisamis, which are sparsely populated to a level that they have population densities of even less than two persons per square kilometre?
26 Apr 2012 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the same Constitution provides a framework to enable the people of North Horr and others to be effectively represented. Under Article 100 of the Constitution, the Ministry concerned could actually enable and enhance the representation of such Kenyans. Could he consider, under Article 100 of the
26 Apr 2012 in National Assembly:
Constitution, the people of North Horr to be more effectively represented? As it is now, they are hardly represented.
25 Apr 2012 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the Minister said that no student from Ijara Constituency qualified for the scholarships. What would be the Minister’s explanation for similar constituencies such as North Hor and Marsabit where students have qualified? Two years ago, I had a lady student with first class honours who applied, but who was never admitted. Today, there is a girl in Marsabit town with mean grade “A”. She has been struggling to get a Government scholarship. I went to the Minister’s Permanent Secretary (PS) and Assistant Minister, but to date we have had no solution. How would she explain that?
18 Apr 2012 in National Assembly:
asked the Minister for Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs:- (a) what operational factors are used in determining a “sparsely populated” area within the meaning of Article 89(6) of the Constitution; and, (b) what areas are currently designated as sparsely populated.
18 Apr 2012 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for the second time, I wish to ask Question No.1438.
18 Apr 2012 in National Assembly:
asked the Minister for Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs:- (a) what operational factors are used in determining a “sparsely populated” area within the meaning of Article 89(6) of the Constitution; and, (b) what areas are currently designated as sparsely populated.
18 Apr 2012 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would really love to interrogate this response, but I have not received a copy of the written answer up to now. So, I do not know how to proceed.