Francis Chachu Ganya

Parties & Coalitions




P.O. Box 298-60500 Marsabit


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1551 to 1560 of 1798.

  • 7 Apr 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I think it will be in order for me to withdraw and redirect it to the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation. view
  • 1 Apr 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I strongly support this amendment. Democracy is about effective representation of the population; whether they are sparsely populated or whether they live in very dense urban populations. Whether there are 200 Kenyans living in one corner of the world or 200,000 Kenyans living in our urban areas, each and every one of them needs fair and effective representation. As Kenyans, we should embrace our diversity and the reality of this nation. The world over, there are deviations and there are provisions that are given to ensure that all the citizens of that country are effectively represented. With ... view
  • 1 Apr 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I rise to support these amendments. The whole process of devolution is about resources and power. Land is a major resource for several communities. They should be empowered and given the right at the county government level to manage their land. view
  • 25 Mar 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, many patients in northern Kenya die from illnesses that could be treated if they are able to reach the next hospital. Realising that the ambulance that they have is very old, could the Minister consider giving Isiolo South a new ambulance in the next financial year, realising that public transport in that part of Kenya is not an option? view
  • 25 Mar 2010 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir. I support this draft Constitution, but with amendments. Constitution making is a struggle to enhance basic tenets of democracy and good governance. A Constitution is the soul of this nation. The Constitution making process in this country has been a struggle to address some of the omissions in our current Constitution. If this draft Constitution is passed, it will embody our hope, aspirations, vision and the foundation on which we can be a better Kenya. I salute the champions of the Constitution making process in Kenya. Whether they are alive or have passed ... view
  • 25 Mar 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, we have Parliament and the Senate that are going to impeach a rogue President. We have recourse and safeguard in this Draft Constitution whereby even if we impeach a President, we do not necessarily have to pack and go home. We will send the Executive home, but stay behind to deliver and do what Kenyans have elected us to do. I think that is a very good separation of power between the two. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, the autonomy of Parliament is also being enhanced through the Parliamentary Service Commission and also some serious ... view
  • 25 Mar 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, on devolution, it is critical that we devolve both power and resources as much as possible to the grassroots. This will end this central command, a situation where everything is centralised at the centre at the expense of the periphery. I think it is critical that we provide necessary resources for the county Government to be functional. A 15 per cent of the national revenue which will be devolved to the counties is a step in a good direction. view
  • 25 Mar 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, Parliament is the most critical organ of this Constitutional making process. I totally disagree as the hon. Member for North Horr with those who are saying that we should just pass this document as it is. I think it is an abuse to our collective intelligence as leaders of this nation. We are an organ of the Constitution making process, just like the Committee of Experts (COE), the Parliamentary Select Committee on the Constitutional Review (PSC), of which I am a member. This House has a mandate to improve on this proposed Constitution. Those who ... view
  • 25 Mar 2010 in National Assembly: I think, for the devolved form of governance, we should have the regions playing the critical role of co-ordinating and administrating all those counties. There is no way you can jump from the State all the way to the counties without anything in between. The reason why we have 47 counties, as we are told by the CoE is that it is the only figure legally established today through an Act of Parliament. The only reason why we have 47 counties and not 70 or 80, is the legal basis. We are in this House to make laws. We can ... view
  • 25 Mar 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I celebrate and embrace the Bill of Rights. We have enhanced our civil liberties. Are we not doing it to a degree at the expense of our own national security? With that imitation, it does not go far enough. For instance, with the privacy act, how will officers of the National Security Intelligence Services (NSIS) get the necessary information to deter terrorist from causing havoc on this nation if they will not be able to access the necessary information to protect this State? Even in the United States of America, the mother of all democracies, ... view


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