All parliamentary appearances
Entries 341 to 350 of 1798.
15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly:
This is just to tighten the whole section and make it neater. It is an issue of creating a smooth flow.
15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move: THAT, the Schedule to the Bill be amended in the proposed amendments to the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act by – (i) in the proposed amendments to section 102(1)(g) by deleting the proposed amendments appearing after the proposed new paragraph (g) and substituting therefor the following s. 102(2) Delete subsection (2) and substitute with the following— “(2A) a person shall not enter any protected area with livestock without a permit or written permission from the authority responsible as the case may be.”
15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly:
This amendment should have been done on Section 102(2) of the Act which deals with prohibition of persons entering the National Parks with any livestock. Instead of being in Section 102 (1) (g) of the Act, we are dealing with prohibitions of persons from undertaking any administrative activities. Basically this amendment was put in the wrong section and we are The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly:
trying to align it to ensure that it is in the right section which should be Section 102 (1) (g). It is more of an alignment of the sections.
15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to move: THAT, the Schedule to the Bill be amended in the proposed amendments to the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act- (j) by deleting the proposed new section 116A;
15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly:
This is a very important amendment. The amendment as it is violates Section 44 of the Civil Procedures Act. This amendment introduces a new section in order to bar execution or attachments or process issued against the immovable property of the service or any of its vehicles, vessels, aircraft or its operating equipment machinery, features or fittings.
15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly:
Section 44 of the Civil Procedures Act provides that all property belonging to a judgment debtor is liable to attachment and sale in execution of a decree. It provides a list of properties which are not liable for execution and do not include what the proposed amendment seeks to provide. So, we strongly feel that if this amendment goes through, it will violet sections of Civil Procedures Act. That is why we are opposing it and inserting a new section.
15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:
15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly:
THAT, the Schedule to the Bill be amended in the proposed amendments to the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act by – (k) deleting the proposed amendment to the heading of Part B of the Third Schedule.
15 Nov 2018 in National Assembly:
The justification is to ensure that crops and property damaged are compensated for. As it is this amendment entails strict compensation for properties and crops damaged. We thought otherwise from the information we had because of the memoranda we received during public participation.