Francis Chachu Ganya

Parties & Coalitions




P.O. Box 298-60500 Marsabit


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







All parliamentary appearances

Entries 831 to 840 of 1798.

  • 23 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: Having said that, I beg to move that the National Drought Management Authority Bill be read a Second Time. view
  • 23 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for the opportunity. I want to second the Climate Change Bill, Bill No.1 of 2014. I want to congratulate my colleague and friend, hon. Dr. Ottichilo, for publishing this Bill, not for the first time, but for the second time. I served in the Tenth Parliament and this Bill was on the Floor. It went all the way to the President for assent and it was not assented to. In the Eleventh Parliament again, having taken into consideration those reasons, he has published this Bill and we are now debating it in the Eleventh ... view
  • 23 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: under the new Constitution. So, it now means the presidency. This is to provide high level political support and coordination of climate change activities in the country. Climate change is not an environmental challenge, but it is rather a complex developmental challenge of this century. It is highly multi-sectoral in nature and there are high political stakes in the climate change sector. It requires high level coordination that can only be guaranteed by the presidency, which is coordinating all the Government Ministries. This Bill covers many developmental issues which are covered in our Committee report and I am sure hon. ... view
  • 23 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, it is my pleasure to second this important Bill and I rest my case. view
  • 16 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for this opportunity. From the outset, I want to congratulate my colleague, hon. Millie Odhiambo for bringing The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 16 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: this Victim Protection Bill. This is not just an ordinary Private Members’ Bill. It enables us as a country and as Parliament to realize Article 50(9) of the Constitution, which is on protection of victims in this country. This is a Bill with a very strict constitutional deadline of August this year, four years after we promulgated the Constitution. If we do not adhere to that deadline of four years to have this Bill in place by this House, it has some very severe consequence to this National Assembly. In that light, she is doing this country and this Parliament ... view
  • 16 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for this opportunity. On the outset, I do support the Mining Bill No.9 of 2014. This is a very timely Bill; it has come to this House at the right time. Our Constitution is no longer new; it is four The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 16 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for this opportunity. On the outset, I do support the Mining Bill No.9 of 2014. This is a very timely Bill; it has come to this House at the right time. Our Constitution is no longer new; it is four The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 16 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: years old; there are a lot of opportunities and rights that are given to different players in this country, whether they are in the national Government, county government or host communities. Let us develop the mineral resources available within our counties as much as possible to generate the much needed revenues for our national Government. This Bill tries to codify so many laws and regulations that have been regulating the mining sector in this country; it repeals the archaic law of 1940s when Kenya was a colony of Her Majesty’s Government. view
  • 16 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: years old; there are a lot of opportunities and rights that are given to different players in this country, whether they are in the national Government, county government or host communities. Let us develop the mineral resources available within our counties as much as possible to generate the much needed revenues for our national Government. This Bill tries to codify so many laws and regulations that have been regulating the mining sector in this country; it repeals the archaic law of 1940s when Kenya was a colony of Her Majesty’s Government. view


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