Francis Mwanzia Nyenze (Deceased)

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  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions





@fnyenze on Twitter

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 681 to 690 of 981.

  • 29 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: I will take the microphone to my mouth! view
  • 29 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, thank you. I will speak louder so that hon. Members can hear. We do not want taxpayers to lose any more money in future and this Parliament, the National Assembly, is the watchdog. So, the small amendment that I would want is on Clause 4(a). It excludes the requirement that if any amendment to the agreement to obtain a loan is prejudicial to the borrowing entity, then it shall be approved by Parliament. The Committee should take it very seriously that Parliament has to approve any borrowing that is prejudicial. There are other clauses that worry me a ... view
  • 29 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, thank you. I will speak louder so that hon. Members can hear. We do not want taxpayers to lose any more money in future and this Parliament, the National Assembly, is the watchdog. So, the small amendment that I would want is on Clause 4(a). It excludes the requirement that if any amendment to the agreement to obtain a loan is prejudicial to the borrowing entity, then it shall be approved by Parliament. The Committee should take it very seriously that Parliament has to approve any borrowing that is prejudicial. There are other clauses that worry me a ... view
  • 3 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I stand to second. As I do so, I would like to say that it is good to move together as the National Assembly. Hon. Deputy Speaker, as I second the Motion, I want to say that the cost of living is very high for the ordinary Kenyans. When you hear hon. Members complain about playing their role, which is legislating, it is only because they are hard pressed by the people they represent here. Hon. Mbadi had a very good idea of bringing the cost of living down for the ordinary Kenyans. I am sure that ... view
  • 1 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker for giving me this chance to contribute to this important Motion. I was surprised on Sunday when the pastor of my local church challenged me. He asked why we spend so much time talking about non- issues instead of things that affect them. I asked him what the non-issues are and he told me that we spend a lot of time talking about national flags, emblems and names. He told me that they do not want that because there are issues that affect them. view
  • 1 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: I had a discussion with few people and I got what Kenyans want. Our question should be why there is rampant insecurity in Kenya. I know the President promised that he will give more cars and insurance scheme for policemen and this is good. However, it falls short. Why is there a lot of insecurity in Kenya more than any other place? In fact, Kenya is ranked lowly because of insecurity. One reason is poverty. The gap between the rich and the poor in Kenya has widened very much. It is very worrying that only less than 10 per cent ... view
  • 1 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I also want to say that the police force and those people who are charged with ensuring that we are secure are not motivated. Look at their salaries and housing, it is sad. Even the cars that they are given, if you go to police stations, you will find that they have no fuel. Someone is robbed, they report and call but the police cannot move. You will find even electricity has been disconnected in many police stations, like those in my constituency because of not paying bills. The police force is demoralized. Let this Government find ... view
  • 1 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: I support the Nyumba Kumi initiative because if you know your neighbours, you can come together in case of an attack. If you read the Quran or the Bible, you will find that when Jericho was to be attacked by the Israelites, they sent spies but because people were united, they said that there were two men who had come in and so they looked for them. If we do not have that kind of cohesiveness, we will not know when thugs come. view
  • 1 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, two men were killed in the village where I was born and brought up. One was drinking in a bar that was open less than 600 metres from a girls’ school. This is the case, yet the law says that you cannot open a bar next to a school. Police raid the bar but after some time, it is opened. You do not know whether it is money that is changing hands. However, there is rampant insecurity. Once the police are paid, they look for money elsewhere. view
  • 1 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: The President talked about national cohesion and integration. We can only be cohesive if we see that there is fair play. For example, tribalism is rampant because of lack of cohesion. If you look at employment, you will find that 60 per cent of all Government jobs are given to only two big tribes that won the elections. So, the other 60 per cent have been left without jobs. This has made the people on the other side feel bad. view


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