George Mukuru Muchai

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 21 to 30 of 150.

  • 30 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: On a point of order, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. You gave guidance to the hon. Member on the Floor with regard to his choice of words in this House, some of which are unparliamentary. The words have not been withdrawn. They are on record; they are in the HANSARD. Is it in order for the hon. Member to continue with his submissions as if he is n the correct path? view
  • 22 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this Bill. At the outset, I want to say that I support it fully and thank the Committee for finally coming up with a Bill that will give us a proper framework for the management of mineral resources in Kenya. Hon. Deputy Speaker, I want to observe that given that the Memorandum of Objects and Reasons has declared the intention or the main objective of this Bill as: “To repeal the existing legislation relating to mining and, to establish a new legal framework for the management of ... view
  • 22 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: comprehensive in terms of addressing all issues relating to mining and processing of minerals in Kenya. Hon. Deputy Speaker, I want to cite a case in point where history tells us that precious stones used to float around in this country. You did not even need to open the ground to find them. They used to float around. Our great fathers used to tell us that when colonialists came to Kenya, they found precious stones floating around and they would offer gifts to anybody who would take trouble to collect them and present to them. Why was this the case? ... view
  • 22 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: the possible loopholes that would enable one to exploit newly discovered minerals to his benefit without notifying the Cabinet Secretary. Hon. Deputy Speaker, the other aspect that I would like to address in this Bill is that of who gains. Many hon. Members have spoken to the issue of communities living in areas where minerals are discovered. There must be a proper mechanism of ensuring that the communities benefit immensely. I come from a county which, perhaps, has no potential for minerals. I doubt whether there are mineral deposits in Kabete Constituency but that notwithstanding, there is need for us ... view
  • 16 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: On a point of order, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. Is it in order for the Member to be reading reference material as he addresses this House? view
  • 16 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: On a point of order, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. Is it in order for the Member to be reading reference material as he addresses this House? view
  • 25 Jun 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, for giving me this opportunity to speak to this Bill. I want to begin by congratulating hon. Wanjiku Muhia for making a wake-up call to all Kenyans to the realization of the plight of persons living with disabilities. A right is right, no matter how many people are against it and a wrong is a wrong no matter how many are for it. Hon. Muhia has brought a right Bill for persons living with disabilities. As has been said by the previous speakers, every able-bodied person has the potential to become a disabled. I want to cite a ... view
  • 25 Jun 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, for giving me this opportunity to speak to this Bill. I want to begin by congratulating hon. Wanjiku Muhia for making a wake-up call to all Kenyans to the realization of the plight of persons living with disabilities. A right is right, no matter how many people are against it and a wrong is a wrong no matter how many are for it. Hon. Muhia has brought a right Bill for persons living with disabilities. As has been said by the previous speakers, every able-bodied person has the potential to become a disabled. I want to cite a ... view
  • 25 Jun 2014 in National Assembly: I once again want to congratulate hon. Wanjiku Muhia for thinking very deeply about the plight of persons living with disabilities and coming up with these amendments to the law governing their plight. view
  • 25 Jun 2014 in National Assembly: I once again want to congratulate hon. Wanjiku Muhia for thinking very deeply about the plight of persons living with disabilities and coming up with these amendments to the law governing their plight. view


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