Jared Odhiambo Opiyo


1st June 1973





All parliamentary appearances

Entries 21 to 30 of 251.

  • 26 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. We have to be careful. We are on the homestretch. This is the time that we will expect Bills to be sneaked into this House because Members are busy out there campaigning or even struggling to register voters. It is this time when such Bills that do not mean well for this country will be sneaked into this House. I want to urge all my colleagues, both in the Minority and Majority sides, to be very vigilant so that we do not pass laws that end up muzzling the people of Kenya. Just like ... view
  • 25 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. First, I start by thanking Hon. Florence Mutua of Busia County for coming up with these amendments. In the past, the Kenyan people have had to endure different forms of sexual abuse and it is in that regard that the Sexual Offences Act was done, but in the realisation that the Act was not being implemented properly or because there were gaps in the Act, that informed Hon. Mutua to come up with these amendments. Having said that, I want to say that these amendments will go a long way in trying to enforce certain critical ... view
  • 25 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: the redefinition of the words “indecent act” now does not leave anything to chance and any person who engages in any form of indecent sexual acts will have to be charged as per this law. view
  • 25 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, the reading of this law implies that, even our womenfolk who knowingly expose certain parts of their body will equally face the law. That is what the law is now saying. The most interesting part of this amendment is to compel the Cabinet Secretary (CS) in charge of Education to make a proposal or to bring up some kind of guidelines to introduce sex education in schools. What disturbs our youth most of the time is, parents have shied away from exposing their children to sex education in good time. Making sex education part of the curriculum at ... view
  • 25 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: With regard to penalties, a lot of people who in the past have engaged in sexual assault have sometimes walked away with fines of about Kshs5000. That is not good. In fact, those people who have been proven to have engaged in sexual abuse should face stiffer penalties than is being proposed by Hon. Mutua. Here, she proposes Kshs500,000 up from Kshs 50,000 which I think is reasonable, but it could be enhanced. We are sure that there is deterrence from people who are engaging in these activities. view
  • 25 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: Those people who tamper with scenes of crime are equally engaged in that crime. By proposing some kind of penalty or punishment for people who tamper with scene of crime or with evidence, is a good thing that this Bill has introduced. view
  • 25 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: Lastly, there is something that happens very often in the villages and even in towns with regard to sexual offence. When somebody is found to have defiled a minor, some people engage in out of court negotiations. The beneficiaries are mostly caretakers, neighbours or parents. This does not bring justice to the person who has been defiled. By proposing that all forms of sexual abuse be handled by proper courts, this will ensure that, at least, all the victims have been properly taken care of. Those people who own schools or managers of schools or, indeed, Teachers Service Commission (TSC) ... view
  • 25 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: I appreciate the efforts that have been put in this Bill. I want to urge all the Members of this august House to support this Bill so that it can go through to ensure that our women and even our boys are protected from sexual abuse. With that, I second. view
  • 25 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, that was supposed to be on the other Motion. Thank you. view
  • 31 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. view


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