Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2061 to 2070 of 3143.

  • 4 May 2023 in National Assembly: Very well, but you must remember, Hon. Osoro, that you are informing a veteran legislator who was there when the original CDF Bill was introduced in the House in 2003. You may proceed, Hon. Member. view
  • 4 May 2023 in National Assembly: What is out of order? Hon. Kihara, just take your seat so that we can hear from Hon. Kiborek. view
  • 4 May 2023 in National Assembly: Proceed! What is it? view
  • 4 May 2023 in National Assembly: A Member has risen in his place and indicated that we do not have quorum. Serjeant-at-Arms, could we have the Quorum Bell rung? view
  • 4 May 2023 in National Assembly: Order, Hon. Members! No Member is allowed to walk out of the House now, except the Whips. Order, Members. Having rung the Quorum Bell for 10 minutes, I can confirm that we still do not have quorum in the House. Hon. Jayne Kihara, you will have your balance of six minutes when this debate resumes next time. view
  • 4 May 2023 in National Assembly: Hon. Members, there being no quorum, the time being 6.11 p.m. notwithstanding, the House stands adjourned until Tuesday, 6th June 2023 at 2.30 p.m. view
  • 4 May 2023 in National Assembly: The House rose at 6.11 p.m. view
  • 4 May 2023 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 4 May 2023 in National Assembly: Clerk of the National Assembly Parliament Buildings Nairobi The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 26 Apr 2023 in National Assembly: Very well. Hon. Wamuchomba, you may proceed. view


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