Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2281 to 2290 of 3143.

  • 22 Feb 2023 in National Assembly: Very well. Hon. Kuria Kimani, Molo Constituency. view
  • 22 Feb 2023 in National Assembly: Very well. That is a very good contribution. Let us have the next Member of Parliament. Is Hon. Charles Onchoke in the House? Proceed. view
  • 22 Feb 2023 in National Assembly: Well, your contribution is good. I will add you one minute. view
  • 22 Feb 2023 in National Assembly: Hon. Lilian Gogo, Member for Rangwe. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 22 Feb 2023 in National Assembly: Very well. The Hon. Odege cannot be seen in his usual place. Let us have Hon. Abdul Haro, Member for Mandera. view
  • 22 Feb 2023 in National Assembly: He is not there. Then we will have Hon. Daniel Manduku, Member of Parliament for Nyaribari Masaba. view
  • 22 Feb 2023 in National Assembly: Please bring out that mathematics in one minute. view
  • 22 Feb 2023 in National Assembly: Hon. Joseph Makilap of Baringo North. view
  • 22 Feb 2023 in National Assembly: Your point is well made. Let us hear from Hon. Kwenya Thuku, Member for Kinangop. view
  • 22 Feb 2023 in National Assembly: Hon. Beatrice Elachi, Member for Dagoretti North. view


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