Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2391 to 2400 of 3143.

  • 2 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Hon. Member for Mandera East. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 2 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Very well. The Member for Igembe Central is next. view
  • 2 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Very well. The Member for Mbeere South is next. view
  • 2 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Very well. The Member for Dagoretti South. view
  • 2 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Hon. Adan Haji, Mandera West, if he is in the House. view
  • 2 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Hon. Kiarie, what is out of order? view
  • 2 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Okay, very well. Next to speak on this is Hon. Joseph Gitari, Kirinyaga Central. Hon. Members, I really ask you to be patient. We are actually following the queue and trying to make sure that there is fairness. I am very happy about ranking Members who are patiently in the House. I can see them here. You may proceed. view
  • 2 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Very well. Hon. Gitonga Mukunji of Manyatta is finally there. Proceed. view
  • 2 Nov 2022 in National Assembly: Very well, your time is over. Hon. Anthony Oluoch, Member for Mathare. view
  • 26 Oct 2022 in National Assembly: Thank you. We now get back to resumption of debate on teachers’ deployment. We have one hour 40 minutes remaining time to debate this. Let us now move to the next speaker on the list, Hon. Caroline Ng’elechei of Elgeyo Marakwet. I will have to do away with the remainder of my minutes and go to the next person. If she is not in, we directly, move to Hon. Augustine Mwafrika. view


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