Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2441 to 2450 of 3143.

  • 14 Apr 2022 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I was a little engaged with my brother, Hon. Omulele, discussing local matters. I rise to ask Question No.113 of 2022 to the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Coordination of National Government: (i) When will the Ministry recruit assistant chiefs in Ebusyubi and Ebukhaya sub- locations in Emakunda Location, Emuhaya Sub-County, considering that the said sub-locations have not had substantive assistant chiefs for the last two years despite interviews having been done, thus hindering delivery of services to residents? view
  • 12 Apr 2022 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me this chance to comment on this Petition that talks about land, specifically about land at the Coast. The truth is that people at the Coast, and in particular Msambweni, have really suffered on the issue of land. Most of them do not have title deeds. It is true that they live as squatters on their own land, which is not right. Land ownership in this country is founded on the First Occupancy Theory by a man called Samuel Pufendorf who stated that those who first settled in a place became the owners of ... view
  • 7 Apr 2022 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to ask Question No. 103/2022 to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works: (i) What urgent measures has the Ministry put in place to ensure that Ebushioya – Mugoye Road in Ipali Location and Ebukholo Kwa Chief - Rabuor Road at Ebukolo Railway Crossing; and, Asikote - Emulaka Mwichekhe Road at Asikote Railway Crossing in Emuhaya Constituency are improved to motorable standards considering that the three feeder roads were blocked during the recent renovation and construction of the Kisumu-Butere Railway Line? (ii) When will the Ministry provide suitable railway ... view
  • 7 Apr 2022 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to ask Question No. 103/2022 to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works: (i) What urgent measures has the Ministry put in place to ensure that Ebushioya – Mugoye Road in Ipali Location and Ebukholo Kwa Chief - Rabuor Road at Ebukolo Railway Crossing; and, Asikote - Emulaka Mwichekhe Road at Asikote Railway Crossing in Emuhaya Constituency are improved to motorable standards considering that the three feeder roads were blocked during the recent renovation and construction of the Kisumu-Butere Railway Line? (ii) When will the Ministry provide suitable railway ... view
  • 7 Apr 2022 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 7 Apr 2022 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 6 Apr 2022 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker, for this chance. I support the Petition because it is timely and also long overdue. Many of the people in the diaspora want to invest in Kenya, but they end up having their money wasted to people who pretend to invest on their behalf. We have often heard that some of them have come back and collapsed because they do not have the investments they thought they had. I think this petitioner has mapped and identified a unique area that needs a law put in place so that there is a channel and an office ... view
  • 5 Apr 2022 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for this opportunity. Let me thank Hon. Duale for raising this matter. view
  • 5 Apr 2022 in National Assembly: This is extremely unprecedented. Even during the old times of President Moi, we did not see Kenyans queue like they are doing for fuel like people looking for water. The laws that govern how to carry and handle petrol do not include carrying such a substance in jerrycan. We are headed for a big mess. The vice-Chair, as she said, should bring an answer by Tuesday so that Kenyans know what is really happening with fuel. view
  • 5 Apr 2022 in National Assembly: Yesterday I watched a clip of one of the Principal Secretaries in that particular Ministry who seemed to say that there is something called panic buying which has caused such a huge shortage. That was such a casual answer that some people panicked because there was lack of fuel in a place around Eldoret and panic engulfed the entire country and that is who we can explain the shortage. That is very casual. We cannot blame panic buyers on the road with cars. So, we wonder how this panic buying is causing such a hullabaloo. When the Chair gets the ... view


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