Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2691 to 2700 of 3143.

  • 5 Mar 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. From the outset, I wish to support this Bill. I also want to report, on behalf of the Chair and the Members of the Departmental Committee on Labour and Social Welfare that, indeed, we had a section to deal with the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA). In that section, we invited the stakeholders on 13th January 2020. We wrote to the stakeholders and some stakeholders appeared before us. Some of them gave us documents and others came in person. The Central Organisation Trade Unions (COTU) did a written memorandum to us. We also heard from Kipkenda ... view
  • 5 Mar 2020 in National Assembly: They all appreciated the importance of making the business atmosphere in Kenya good, so that it can attract more players from local businesspeople, foreign investors and even the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Of concern to the Committee was NITA. There is a charge of Kshs50 per employee per month that is levied upon every businessperson who has employed workers in Kenya. The law seeks to amend that to make it easier for businesspeople, so that they can pay that levy annually. Therefore, if it is Kshs50 per month for every employee, then it means in a year, every employee ... view
  • 5 Mar 2020 in National Assembly: The other area that we dealt with was about safety and occupation hazards of workers at their places of work. The amendment provides a by-law that those who are starting businesses should not pay in that particular category. Both players in the sector were also in agreement that if there is a new business coming into play and it has less than 100 employees, then it can be given a period of one year before they start paying for their workers. view
  • 5 Mar 2020 in National Assembly: There was a reservation and we may bring it in the Third Reading. Where there are certain businesses that are high risk, those are the only ones we shall have an exception which will depend on the advice of the Cabinet Secretary because he has been given powers to categorise which businesses are high risk. Therefore, that is how we shall move with it. I do not think we had so much in this Bill. We want to support it as both the Committee and the players in the sector. With those few remarks, I beg to support. Thank you. view
  • 4 Mar 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I was here in the morning session and as we discussed the business of the House, Members who mixed languages were reprimanded. This afternoon, a Member is doing the same and he is walking away with it and asserting that because he is in the House Business Committee, communication will come later. Is it in order? Could you, please, communicate? Thank you, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 4 Mar 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this chance to talk on the BPS Report. As I support it, because it is well put, I have issues with several items. For instance, it has proposed that we be doing the BPS after three years. Although earlier speakers, who are economists and veterans of economics, have alluded to support this, I think in an economy like ours which is still ridden with a lot of corruption and valuation issues on how much money is going to a particular item, this will be dangerous. Within a period of three years, ... view
  • 4 Mar 2020 in National Assembly: The second issue is that the Report talks about general growth in the economy and that it has grown about five times faster than the revenue and the revenue collection. This alludes to the fact that we are not collecting revenue. We are evading taxes or we are being given wrong information on the growth of the economy. That is an issue that will require intervention, so that we can know the exact growth rate of our economy. Is it at what we are being told? If so, what is it reflecting to the revenue, so that we can have ... view
  • 26 Feb 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. After Hon. William Chepkut has spoken, as you have seen, the mood in the House is that these two nominees qualify. Therefore, we should invoke Standing Order 95 so that we can ask the Mover to reply. view
  • 26 Nov 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. This is related to the issue Hon. Baya has talked about. I also found that we are limited in terms of what we can do. The Clerk told me that I cannot seek a Statement from the Ministry of Education simply because I am a member of the Departmental Committee on Education and Research. I was forced to give Hon. Chonga to seek the Statement on my behalf. He did it very well, but I find this is a limiting factor. I begged you to give me an opportunity to speak about it but, of course, ... view
  • 26 Nov 2019 in National Assembly: simply because I sit in the Departmental Committee on Education and Research. I felt very limited. view


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