Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2821 to 2830 of 3143.

  • 27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. With a lot of respect, my name is Omboko Milemba and not Milema. view
  • 27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: I want to thank the Committee for the good Report which has highlighted the state of our referral hospitals. After reading the Report, I saw there are five referral hospitals. I want the Committee to move ahead and realise that the distribution of the five is not very fair. The coming up of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) especially in the western region has been very important. view
  • 27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Moving forward, we should look at a situation whereby those referral hospitals should be spread not only fully, but evenly in such a way that those at the Coast and Western Kenya can access them. The fifth one being Kenyatta University Teaching and Referral Hospital which is very good but, unfortunately, it is coming up in Nairobi, where we have the grand Kenyatta National Hospital which is the biggest referral hospital. So, the spread is important. view
  • 27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Also acknowledging that basically the health sector has been devolved and therefore the national Government has mainly remained with policy and referral hospitals. Those referral hospitals are the ones which ultimately deal with the highest level of diseases, which need specialist doctors. Going through the Report, it is true and I noticed that the Government needs to quickly ensure that those hospitals are well equipped. This is because most of their patients are from counties and they are unable to tackle many referral cases. More so, this Report highlights the number of doctors, nurses and other health practitioners in those ... view
  • 27 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Kenyans given that the Government wants to realise UHC by the year 2022. Further, it is one of the pillars of the Big Four Agenda. This Report is most welcome. Without taking too much time, I support it. view
  • 26 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. As you have realised, the land issue in Kenya is very emotive. But I would wish to make a very quick comment especially to the Committee which will be looking at this particular Petition. This just touches on what we call the colonial land ordinances as they existed. I know that if you will be unable to completely solve the case study in question, you should be able to bring to the House knowledge of how those ordinances affected land ownership in Kenya. view
  • 26 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: I would also wish to ask the Committee to look at the history of how people first owned land and, maybe, look at the works of Arnold Toynbee on the first Occupancy Theory in so far as land ownership is concerned. I think that will help us even if we do not completely tackle that Petition. But the House should be knowledgeable on how the ordinances affected the occupancy of land by the original people in Kenya moving forward. view
  • 26 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 26 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me a chance to make a contribution on the law relating to contract borrowing. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 26 Jun 2019 in National Assembly: I want to thank Hon. Waititu for bringing such a law which will affect every Kenyan, and is in tandem with what the wishes of Kenyans are. This is because each time a guarantor comes in to stand up for a principal borrower he believes that he is a witness and not the principal. That is why the social mind of the guarantor is very easy. view


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