Jeremiah Omboko Milemba

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 3051 to 3060 of 3143.

  • 23 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I do not want to contribute through the back door. My card is in and functioning. I want to support the views raised by the preceding Member. To the Mover of the Motion, the friends of committees are sometimes important people in terms of giving knowledge about that specific thing the committee is discussing. These friends may not be Members of that Committee. Whereas these amendments have been brought to create order in the House and the committees, I think you being a ranking Member should also understand that the results of the debates in Parliament ... view
  • 23 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I beg to second that amendment. We need consultation between the Leader of the Majority Party and the Leader of the Minority Party. As I second, I must say we are not interested in challenging the authority of the Leader of the Majority Party or of the Leader of the Minority Party. These are our rules. For us to operate well, it is important that the majority consults with the minority moving forward. These are House rules. Thank you. I beg to second. view
  • 22 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: No, no. I am very okay. Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker, for this opportunity. At the outset, I support the Petition that teachers in Taita Taveta be considered for hardship allowance. This should extend to teachers in other areas like Suba and Budalangi, among other areas. Whereas this Petition is directed at the education committee, I think it should go to a joint committee of the education committee and the committee that deals with boundaries. Boundaries of where it is hardship and where it is not hardship should be drawn so that we know once and for all the areas ... view
  • 15 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. At the outset, I rise to support the Petition and ask the Committee that shall be looking into it to realise that this is a matter which has been tried at several levels. At one time, the unions tried to work on it. We petitioned the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and other Government agencies. All those agencies told us that the real organ that could pursue the issue of boundaries of areas to be considered for hardship allowance in this country and to lead to their gazettement is Parliament. So, this matter now rests ... view
  • 15 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: The challenge we have is that the gazettement of the hardship areas was done a long time ago and those boundaries are still being used to date. However, the geographical arrangement of those boundaries has since changed. So, there are very many areas that need to be included on the list of hardship areas. I will not specifically talk about my constituency, but I will borrow a leaf from the Members who have looked at this matter as a national issue that needs to be addressed nationally by the Committee. There are areas that have been gazetted as hardship areas, ... view
  • 15 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Without much ado, now that the Petition is going to the Committee, I add my voice that this is a national issue and it is vested with Parliament. Let the Committee concerned do its best to resolve it once and for all. Thank you. view
  • 14 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you for this opportunity, Hon. Deputy Speaker. You can see the order of the House business is not moving clearly. This is courtesy of the residual effect of the poisonous sugar. I also want to tell you that the integrity of the House is at stake. It will be important that we tackle it at one point in time. view
  • 14 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you for this opportunity, Hon. Deputy Speaker. You can see the order of the House business is not moving clearly. This is courtesy of the residual effect of the poisonous sugar. I also want to tell you that the integrity of the House is at stake. It will be important that we tackle it at one point in time. view
  • 25 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. Without much ado, I appreciate the work that Hon. Arati has done because he picked a Petition that was hanging outside there and it needed to get to the House. Unfortunately, this is a Petition that does not meet the threshold to be in this House because Hon. Arati said in that Petition that Uber is cheaper than the other taxis. view
  • 25 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: Our intention as Parliament is to make sure that Kenyans who are the taxpayers get the fairest price for what they are paying for. If Uber is doing exactly that, then they are doing the best thing. I want to tell Hon. Arati and the petitioners that competition cannot be blocked in this particular country. In fact, competition is the mother of all inventions and creativity. Therefore, they have a chance equally to also join Uber or form companies that are similar to it, so that they can charge and compete effectively with it. Formerly, we could not use taxis ... view


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