14 Nov 2019 in Senate:
The Vice Chairperson has said they want to call Telkom Kenya and Airtel Kenya to inform them on the status of the merger, yet serious questions have arisen on the merger of Telkom Kenya and Airtel. One of those questions, for the benefit of the Chairperson, is that the scope of the deal is only involving mobile as well as enterprise, but not forming the real estate. Telkom Kenya has Kshs13 billion in real estate, land, buildings, sports clubs, et cetera . However, they are saying that the shareholding of the new firm will only be known at the end ...
14 Nov 2019 in Senate:
We need to understand this, because these legal entities have already existed. If the shareholding and value will remain unknown until the end of the transaction, is it correct to conceal this to the taxpayers, because there are Kenyans who are affected?
14 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, could the Vice Chairperson just let us know, because there are so many issues that we have raised, including Helios Investment Partners shareholding, the British et cetera . Let it not just be them coming to brief you. If the Vice Chairperson can take the serious questions that this House has on that merger. We have seen how many public companies, where Kenyans have interest in, have gone through mergers. They come, offload and sell the assets. Here, we are talking about more than Kshs13 billion. Once they have sold it, they say that they are ...
14 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Could the Vice Chairperson clarify that that is the kind of analysis they will do for this House?
14 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I wish to give the statement relating to the activities of the standing Committee standing Committee on Labour and Social Welfare pursuant to the provisions of the Standing Orders for the period commencing 1st July 2019 to 30th September, 2019.
14 Nov 2019 in Senate:
I will move very quickly because as you know my Committee has done a lot of work. It is too much; I cannot read everything. I am glad the Senate Majority Leader can see the size of the document. If he was concentrating he would have noted.
14 Nov 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, we have done 18 thorough meetings where we dealt with five Bills, four Petitions and four Statements. We have engaged with stakeholders and have done public hearing forums.
14 Nov 2019 in Senate:
We have considered five Bills: County Government Retirement Scheme Bill, Personal Disabilities Amendment, the Museums and Heritage Bill, Care and Protection of Child Parents and Establishment of Children’s Homes. We have been able to file reports on those Bills. We held stakeholders engagements and public hearings on the Bills I have mentioned.
14 Nov 2019 in Senate:
We have also been able to deal with 12 Statements committed to us. One was by sen. Khaniri on the rampant closure of business in the country. There are many others The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
14 Nov 2019 in Senate:
which we have concluded on such as Minimum Wage Guidelines by Sen. Khaniri, High Teenage Pregnancies. There was also one on Disbursements of Old Persons Cash Transfers. We also dealt with Registration of Persons with Disability and Protection of Kenyan Citizens Working in Saudi Arabia.