1 Oct 2019 in Senate:
output operations of the brain. Evidence suggests that persons with Autisms have on average high persistence, scoring higher than average on the systemising quotient and on performance test of systemising. That means that persons with Autism have narrow interests but very specialized such that they focus on a single aspect more than any other aspect of their lives and much better at what they do at a very high level than the normal or average human being. The empathising–systemising theory is a potential explanation of the link between Autism and talent. A subsidy of these individuals shows what we call ...
1 Oct 2019 in Senate:
just to children with these conditions of cerebral palsy, down-syndrome, autism, neurological disorders et cetera, but also the well-being of our society at the lowest level. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, tax reliefs and exemptions are also welcome because you find that persons living with disability, like Sen. Mwaura who represents persons with albinism and Sen. (Dr.) Msuruve who has a physical disability are able to get tax relief. They get tax exemptions. They do not pay PAYE and Income Tax. They get VAT exemptions as well, exemptions on everything, yet parents who have children with autism, who are more expensive ...
1 Oct 2019 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.
1 Oct 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, it is true that Sen. Nyamunga is on official duty in New York. I was with her for the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Now that the Senator is out on official duty, would it not be prudent that you direct that because this is a function of the House, if a Senator is on official business, the business should not be put on the Order Paper? This is because it confuses those that are prepared to submit on this. It makes it look like the Senator is tardy or has chosen to be absent in ...
18 Sep 2019 in Senate:
On a point of information, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.
18 Sep 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, and Sen. Poghisio for agreeing to be informed. As we consider the very weighty contribution by Sen. Poghisio, I would like to inform the House of two things.
18 Sep 2019 in Senate:
First of all, in the report that we have just passed as a House on the Division of Revenue Bill, the Mediation Committee proposed that a joint ad hoc committee be formed to look into the issues which came up during mediation. This was accepted by the entire House. Secondly, the House had started this same process in the Senate and we want to start another committee before being told what happened to the other process. Is it in order, even as I inform the House of those two elements that are substantive in nature, that we consider those two ...
18 Sep 2019 in Senate:
It was an orderly point of information.
18 Sep 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I want to applaud the Deputy Leader of Minority for bringing this procedural Motion. Sometimes you take a step back when you see how things are going. I want to urge Members to support this procedural Motion because when the initial Motion was brought, the leadership of the House failed to do two things. First, to convince us as to why there is need for an ad hoc arrangement to perform the work that is substantively and fully within the purview of a Committee, yet puts all the Members of that Committee in that ...
18 Sep 2019 in Senate:
The second issue that we need for clarity because Members of this House are respected; this House commands a lot of respect across the country. When we summon Members of the national or county governments, they come because they know that when Senate asks you questions, it is not the kind of hop-scotch games they play in the National Assembly. So, we need to be told, because we summoned the Cabinet Secretary for Health and many other officers, and this process is not beginning now for the first time. What happened to the earlier process? That is the only way ...