24 Jul 2019 in Senate:
I thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir.
24 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the Senate, today, Wednesday, 24th July, 2019: - Report on the County Governments Retirement Scheme Bill (National Assembly Bills No. 10 of 2018)
24 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. In my county, I have lions in the park and on the roundabouts. So, this is a key issue to us. I pick up from where Sen. Halake has left. If we are not careful, soon, the only lions that will remain are the ones on the roundabouts. In 2013, lions were put on the list of endangered species under the Wildlife Conservation Management Act. Conservationists are saying that in 15 to 20 years, lions will be extinct in Kenya if we do not take action. We lose 100 lions every year. It is that ...
24 Jul 2019 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. In parliamentary rules, we refrain from referring to communities by name. You cannot say you called the Maasais and they came. Instead, you should say “the local community.”
24 Jul 2019 in Senate:
For the record of the House, he should refer to them generally, which is appropriate. You cannot say the Somalis did this and the Kikuyus did that because that is completely unparliamentary. However, the contributions by Sen. (Eng.) Maina are nice.
24 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for purposes of the record of the House, the issue of Order No.17 had been communicated. It came for public participation to my Committee and we agreed with Sen. Cheruiyot and Sen. Mwaura that it be dropped. Therefore, they are not absent without cause. That communication was made to the Speaker. The Bill is being republished under their names.
24 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.1 of 2019.).
24 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Yes, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. They are not absent without cause.
24 Jul 2019 in Senate:
It is actually dropped, Sir.
24 Jul 2019 in Senate:
We had agreed that the Bill be withdrawn. So, it is appearing on the Order Paper erroneously.