16 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, we must encourage them that when they turn 18 years, they can make some of us to retire immediately because the future of this country is with them. So, they should not wait for Sen. Cherargei to retire unless he is retiring as my Deputy President in the next 20 years, but not as the Senator for Nandi County.
11 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. A few things come to mind and we will need your guidance. If you look at the contents of this Statement, indeed, prisons fall under the Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations. However, the fundamental questions being asked are about our criminal justice system, which is legal. The following is the reason.
11 Jul 2019 in Senate:
What is the philosophy around correction? With this Constitution of Kenya 2010, we changed the name from prisons to correctional facilities. As it is today, the case is that there are certain crimes that if you commit, you go to prison and serve your jail term, they are removed from the record. Actually, the petty offenders are supposed to get certificates of good conduct.
11 Jul 2019 in Senate:
There is a category of crimes today, whether it is rape, murder, robbery with violence or treason that even once you serve your term, they remain in your record. That is the current policy. I see that more of an issue of the justice system, which our Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations can look at how prison facilities are being run and so on. It is a very sorry state.
11 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Recently, Mr. Speaker, Sir, I was at the Langata Women’s Prison and found mothers with babies who had been kept there for months because of a fine of Kshs2,000 The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
11 Jul 2019 in Senate:
or Kshs3,000 that they were unable to pay. The cost of keeping these people in prison is more expensive than the actual bail terms if their cases are going on and they are in remand. It is even higher than the actual fines they are supposed to pay. Those questions go to the heart of what our criminal justice system needs to address.
11 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Whereas my Committee is always ready, willing and capable to deal with issues, I would ask that you consider that this matter be dealt with by the Committee on Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights. If you rule otherwise, we will be ready to deal with it.
11 Jul 2019 in Senate:
We have seen people in remand for years. I know of many in Nairobi City County, who for more than six or seven years, because of a fine of Kshs10,000 or Kshs5,000, are in remand. It is just that I cannot help all of them. I kindly seek your indulgence on that so that we can make sure that once you have served your term in prison, that you can be re-integrated into our society to be a productive member of the Republic.
11 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, earlier on, I wanted to rise on Standing Order No.113 because there has been a problem over the last few weeks regarding this order. If you look around, you will see what I mean.
11 Jul 2019 in Senate:
Sen. Poghisio stood on that point of order but I think it was ignored. Standing Order No.113 is clear. It states that: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.