28 May 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, on this topic, I can talk for a day. Unfortunately, there is a limitation on how much I am allowed to contribute. So, I will make the best use of the time allocated. Allow me to commend the effort by Sen. Pareno to try to codify and legislate on this matter. This is one of the things that we least speak about in this country – cohesion and peace building – yet it is possibly the most important ingredient in building our nation. For so long, we have concentrated on the hardware in Kenya – railways, ...
28 May 2019 in Senate:
Baragoi in Samburu County; to the Pokots and Turkanas in Lokwar-Nakuse and Turkwel; to the Tugens and Pokots; and the communities in Tiaty. Many of those have never gone back to the ways that they had. In fact, one thing that really moved us was a joint meeting in a place called Nginyang or possibly Loruk, where we met the actual warriors from the two communities. The discussion started in a tense way. In fact, they could not allow the area Member of Parliament to speak because some of them felt that he was the one causing division. After the ...
28 May 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I was very young when the fight for multiparty democracy happened in this country in the late 1980‘s and early 1990‘s, The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
28 May 2019 in Senate:
spearheaded by the Matibas, Kibakis, Railas, Orengos, Muites, Nyong‘os and others. They fought a system that did not want them to survive. A few years ago, I was on a television debate as the Chairman of the TNA Party. On the opposing side was Prof. Anyang‘-Nyong‘o, who was then the Secretary-General of ODM. I had defeated him on many points in the debate until he asked me where I was in 1992, when they were fighting for multiparty democracy. I responded that I would have loved to be with them, but I was in Class Two. There was no way ...
28 May 2019 in Senate:
Those are the things that we need to focus on, as a country. We need to build a Kenyan identity. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, we must take responsibility, as politicians, even if we, as individuals, have not done it. I personally have stood strong for „Siasa Safi‟ as my slogan, because I represent a county that is inhabited by all the 43 tribes. All the communities can be found here in Nairobi. There is no problem that affects Kikuyu that does not affect the Luo, Luhya or Kamba. There is no pothole that only affects the Luhya; lack of water ...
28 May 2019 in Senate:
in your vernacular, you will be frowned upon because they know what it means and how it feels to those who may be somewhere else. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, we must relook at the issue of vernacular in the media. Our Constitution recognizes only two national languages; English and Kiswahili, and there is a reason for it. When you come out of your vehicle after listening to Wimwaro FM or whichever station you listen to in Tharaka Nithi, do you come out feeling more of a Kenyan or more of a Meru? We are proud of our cultural heritage, but ...
23 May 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I was just anticipating that at some point, I will have to give a commitment by my Committee. Allow me to give a comment when I have heard other Members, so that I take all of those into consideration.
23 May 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I was taking notes. We have heard from Sen. Halake and the Samburu, Wajir, West Pokot, Narok, Turkana, Marsabit, Isiolo and Elgeyo-Marakwet Senators. They have all said the same thing. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
23 May 2019 in Senate:
We will look at this issue widely for it is a human rights issue. Article 24 of our Constitution talks about the right to life. Article 28 talks about human dignity and Article 29 talks about freedom and security of the person. The Senate Majority Leader has said that more than 10 people have been killed in one week. The Senator for Marsabit County has told me that two people were killed last night and the Senator for Isiolo County has told us that there have been two cattle rustling incidences. All these things have happened, yet there is no ...
23 May 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, a first-class country cannot have a second-class citizen. We cannot normalise such deaths. Those people are Kenyans just like any other Kenyans. We will look at this matter seriously because the sanctity of life must be upheld. In the last Parliament, Sen. Hargura was my deputy when I chaired the Joint Committee on Cohesion and we went to all these places. We went to Samburu, Baragoi, Baringo, Turkana, Tiaty, West Pokot and many other places. While there, we realised that KPR officers offer a lot of assistance, for there are areas that the normal police cannot go ...