3 Apr 2019 in Senate:
In our Constitution, we have what we call presumption of innocence before one is found guilty. In this particular case, we cannot define whether somebody is guilty or not but we are glad to see the wheels of justice moving nonetheless. Whether a governor, a Cabinet Secretary or any other person, people should know that they are not above the law. Even the President is not above the law. Once he leaves office, if there was an issue surrounding him about impropriety, he can also be charged. Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr. raised very important questions and there are things we ...
3 Apr 2019 in Senate:
If something happens today, God forbid, and the office of the governor falls vacant in Nairobi City County, there is no deputy to become the governor or the speaker to hold that office for a period of time. So, we might get into the same predicament that Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr. has foreseen.
3 Apr 2019 in Senate:
I would like to urge the Committee on Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights to help us fill that gap through proper legislation because our counties must continue operating. No one should imagine that without them as individuals, counties cannot move. Our counties must operate in perpetuity. We must depersonalize our county governments across the country.
3 Apr 2019 in Senate:
I thank Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr. and I hope he will lead the charge in his committee to make sure that we have properly constituted county governments. Even if there is prosecution, nobody should go to court and tell the judge that if they arrested, their county will not move or if a person is not released from custody, the finance department of that county will not work. Counties are bigger than personal properties of any Kenyan.
3 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Thank you Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for your indulgence. I rise to make a Statement on the audit queries raised by the office of the Auditor General on the Nairobi City County Government. These are audit queries raised for the financial year 2017/2018. The Report of the Auditor General released a few days ago has revealed that the Nairobi City County government has not maintained financial prudence or fiscal discipline as stipulated in Article 201 of the Constitution on the principles of public finance. It is sad to note that the revenue collection in Nairobi City County has dropped by ...
3 Apr 2019 in Senate:
I wish that Sen. Kihika would listen because I know that her County has the same problem or this is also a problem that is affecting other counties. The question many Nairobi residents are asking is why and where is the money going? The only revenue declared is that of Jambo pay of Kshs8.3 billion yet there are 26 other Mpesa paybills whose revenue was not declared. It is important to note that only Kshs1.4 billion out of a budget of Kshs33.6 billion that was passed by the County Assembly was used on development activities. The rest was used on ...
3 Apr 2019 in Senate:
only conclude that there is massive rot within the county and Nairobi residents are not getting value for their money. The entire Auditor’s Report has revealed blatant contravention of the Public Finance Management (County Government) Regulations, 2015, and there are numerous queries that point at possible huge losses of public money which has negatively impacted on service delivery to the residents of Nairobi City County. We are fortunate that the national Government, through the Nairobi Regeneration Team, has supported the roads that we are seeing in Eastlands and in many parts of the city. We are grateful for that relationship. ...
3 Apr 2019 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. You have heard the Senator for Makueni County, my friend Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr. and also the Senator for Homa Bay County, who is the Chairperson of the CPAIC, exchanging on the issue of correlation. In fact, it is what we call a direct proportion.
3 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Correlation points to either causation by one event relating to or causing another event to happen. Maybe it will be in order to replace the word “correlation” and substitute it with “proportion” such that the frequency of the meetings are in direct proportion to the increase of corruption cases but it is not related and neither is one a causation of the other event.
3 Apr 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I believe I need to clarify. If anything, this is a committee I respect and I have sought refuge on the issue of Nairobi City County. In fact, I was saving the Committee from the use of the word “correlation”. I am talking about mathematical words, that these are two unrelated events. That is why I said direct proportion. “Proportion” means that it is a fact that two events have moved in linear progression in a similar fashion. The number of meetings have moved upwards and so is corruption but the two are not related. Actually, ...