28 Feb 2019 in Senate:
On a point of information, Madam Temporary Speaker.
28 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, this House needs to be respected. I do not know if the Senators are aware, that even after the Senate has sat this morning; news coming in is that the Senate has been told off by the CS of Interior and Coordination of National Government, saying that, “we will stop nothing.” He said that in Embu today while inspecting projects. The same day the President of the Republic of Kenya has said that nobody in this country is above the law. Who does he think he is to tell us off? These are Senators of the Republic ...
28 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, we cannot take this lying down as a Senate. We have invited them through the law. The Constitution says that he is accountable to Parliament. Whatever that he is saying out there let him come and say in the Senate or let him say that he will not attend any invitation, or summon of the Senate because he is above the law; if he thinks he is. It is completely unfortunate. I do not know what has happened since that new Executive Order. Normally, he is a very rational person in my opinion. However, he cannot just ...
28 Feb 2019 in Senate:
No, Madam Temporary Speaker. We cannot allow that to happen. They cannot intimidate us. Since morning, the number of phone calls coming trying to intimidate us are many. We will do our work according to the Constitution. We have been given a mandate by the people of Kenya to do our work and to ask questions on any matter on their behalf. We will move on as a Senate.
27 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I request that you add me one more minute because my county is equally affected.
27 Feb 2019 in Senate:
I was dealing with this matter. As the Senator for Nairobi City County, I received correspondence from four Members of County Assembly (MCAs); Hon. Kibiru of Uthiru-Ruthimitu, Hon. Alvin Palapala of Kitisuru Ward, Hon. Paul Shem Shilaho of Kangemi Ward as well as Hon. Maurice Onyango of Mountain View Ward. When this The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
27 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Petition will be listened to, the Committee can also invite this four MCAs that I have mentioned.
27 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, we have been trying to engage KeNHA and the rest on this matter and there are issues that we agreed on. For instance, there was the local implementation committee that was to oversee the issues of resettlement but that has not happened. They had agreed to compensate people before any project begins but clearly they have gone against their own word. They have not done what we agreed on public consultation and awareness.
27 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Markings on the roads have not been done properly and we have had a lot of accidents. For example, at a place called Rungiri. There have been deaths and causalities because of the frequent change of traffic flow without informing people. Senators who went to Nakuru the other day also saw that when we were coming back. There are no proper road markings and that change in that area is causing danger.
27 Feb 2019 in Senate:
Finally, the youth from those areas are wondering why we have such a project yet they are not being engaged. Those young people can be engaged to do part of the construction work because there is a lot of work to be done. When they see people from elsewhere doing small jobs that they can also do, they get discouraged. So, I would urge that---