29 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Reading. That, in fact, for me raises a question which the Leader of the Majority, Leader of the Minority and the Speaker need to address.
29 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the national Government has this habit of sending Bills to the National Assembly as opposed to the Senate, even if it is a Bill whose title is ‘County Government Retirement Scheme Bill.’ In the memorandum of the Bill, it says that it is not a money Bill, it concerns counties and, therefore, it should have come directly to the Senate. They did that knowing fully well that the Senate had already published and, at that point, we were debating the exact same Bill. If there is anything else that can be better proof of disdain to ...
29 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Our Committee has conducted several tours across the country. All the county government workers unions that we met had one complaint. They said that many of their counterparts, who have retired, cannot access their pension and many have died before accessing their pensions. Many of them are busy in the streets of Nairobi struggling to get an audience for them to get their hard earned money. They are people who have worked for years and served our municipal councils, town councils and county governments. The excuse that the governors have been using in many cases for not paying and not ...
29 Nov 2018 in Senate:
There are two types of pension schemes; that is, the Defined Benefits (DB) and the Defined Contributions (DC) schemes. You cannot mix a DB and DC scheme. However, what we have agreed to do is the two DC schemes will come together. The DB were actually closed by a circular of the Treasury a few years ago. In fact, the world over, the DB schemes are being phased out because of the complexity and actuarial evaluations you have to keep doing. The process is very complex. Therefore, we are moving away from that to a more stable and clear scheme ...
29 Nov 2018 in Senate:
So, I would like to urge all the stakeholders for us to be able to come together. Initially, there was the fear that one side will get 100 per cent, another side will get zero and that there will be a winner and a loser. I want to confirm and to really implore upon them to see beyond themselves and see what is best for this country. What is best is stability, a scheme where we reward- and it is not even a reward, it is not a favor we are doing these people who have worked- it is actually ...
29 Nov 2018 in Senate:
The proposal by some of these players that let us have one scheme for the executive and another one for the county assemblies goes against the entire spirit of this Bill. They are all staff within the county governments. Two, if you look at Assembly staff, they are very few. Right now, we have two schemes with almost equal numbers of people. County assemblies have about 100 to 200 staff while big counties like the City County of Nairobi has 200 staff yet we have the tens of thousands of people working in the executive. So, it will be unfair ...
28 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. As you would expect, mine is a bit lengthy because my Committee is extremely busy and has dealt with many issues. However, I will try to summarize. I will table the report and it will be available for all Senators and the public. I will skip the preliminaries. We know that the Committee is established under Standing Order No. 218. Its mandate is to consider all matters relating to manpower and human resources planning, pension, gender, culture, social welfare, youth, National Youth Service (NYS), children’s welfare, national heritage, betting, lotteries, sports, public entertainment, public amenities ...
28 Nov 2018 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, during the period under review the Committee has held a total of 25 sittings and one retreat and engaged with many stakeholders who will be listed in the report.
28 Nov 2018 in Senate:
In terms of Bills, we have considered a number of them. We have considered The Retirement Benefits (Deputy President and Designated State Officers) (Amendment) The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
28 Nov 2018 in Senate:
No.2 Bill of 2018. We conducted public hearing on this Bill and many people came to give us their opinions and the report by the Committee was tabled on 18th October, 2018.