17 Oct 2018 in Senate:
boy was picked up from there and killed. We must address these issues and hold true fidelity to the reason we are here; to serve the people of the counties and the counties of this country. Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker.
17 Oct 2018 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Chairperson, I beg to move:- THAT clause 4 of the Bill be amended by deleting sub-clause (2). This is to uphold the principles of devolution and relations of national and county governments.
17 Oct 2018 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Chairperson, I was confirming that my Committee amendments were withheld if we subsequently pass Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr.’s amendment and that is the case. I beg to move:- THAT clause 5 of the Bill be amended- (a) in paragraph (a) by inserting the words “and inter-ministerial” immediately after the word “inter-agency”; (b) in paragraph (f) by inserting the words “in coordination with the Bureau of Statistics,” at the beginning of the paragraph; This is to ensure that all data is sourced from the official depository of data in the country which is the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics ...
17 Oct 2018 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Chairperson, I beg to move:- THAT clause 7 of the Bill be amended- (a) by deleting subclause (1) and substituting therefor the following new subclause- (1) There shall be a Board of the Authority which shall comprise— (a) a chairperson, who shall be appointed by the Cabinet Secretary; (b) the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for matters relating to disaster risk management; (c) the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for finance; (d) the Principal Secretary in the Ministry responsible for internal security; (e) a representative of the Kenya Red Cross Society; (f) one person nominated by ...
17 Oct 2018 in Senate:
(a) holds a degree from a university recognised in Kenya; (b) has knowledge and experience in matters related to disaster management; and (c) meets the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution. (3A) A person shall qualify for nomination under paragraph (1) (g) and (h) if that person — (a) holds a degree in a relevant field from a university recognised in Kenya; and (b) meets the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
17 Oct 2018 in Senate:
This will deal with the matter of the composition of the board as well as appointment and qualifications of the chairperson and members of the board.
17 Oct 2018 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Chairperson, I beg to move:- THAT clause 8 of the Bill be amended in paragraph (d) by deleting the words “that violates” appearing immediately after the words “an offence” and substituting therefor the words “that constitutes a serious violation of”.
17 Oct 2018 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Chairperson, I beg to move:-
17 Oct 2018 in Senate:
THAT clause 12 of the Bill be amended by deleting subclause (2) And substituting therefor the following new sub-clauses- (2) A person shall qualify for appointment under this section where such person — (a) holds a relevant degree from a university recognised in Kenya; (b) has at least five years’ managerial experience; and (c) meets the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution. (2A) The Director-General shall hold office for a term of five years which may be renewed once. This is in respect with the appointment of the director general and his qualifications thereof.
17 Oct 2018 in Senate:
Thank you, Madam Temporary Chairperson, I beg to move:- THAT Clause 13 of the Bill be amended by deleting the word “co-opt” appearing immediately after the word “the board may” and substituting therefor the word “engage”.