2 Dec 2021 in Senate:
In that regard, the Committee recommends that this matter be put to rest for the following reasons- (1) The matters canvassed in the Petition have been extensively addressed by various institutions. For instance, the Ministry of Labour dating back to 2009 and the courts from 2012 to 2018. They all have had unfavourable outcomes. (2) KUSCO as an entity, upon undergoing receivership and subsequently following the sale of its assets, KCB as a major creditor failed to secure its loan. (3) Recognising the court‘s ruling that the claimants sued the wrong entity, KUSCO (2006) instead of KUSCO Limited, which is ...
2 Dec 2021 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker Sir, we feel that passion as well.
2 Dec 2021 in Senate:
Even five minutes are a lot.
2 Dec 2021 in Senate:
I wish Se. (Dr.) Musuruve listened carefully to what I said. The case which she says was not filed is CMCC No. 38 of 2021, Daniel Matendechere Aura Vs Broadway Bakery Limited & James Ndura. This gentleman came before the Committee on Labor and Social Welfare. We listened to the gentleman. He even had his pastor with him and a few other members of his family. We deeply empathize with his situation, but there is a process of the law that we recommended here. There was a second opinion that was to be sought medically under the Work Injury Benefits ...
2 Dec 2021 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, Sen. Wambua brought a very important matter. I would like to reiterate to the people of Kitui County, that they have proper representative in the Senate. The former councilors should also know that if it were not for Sen. Wambua and yours truly, their issue of a one off honorarium would not have gotten to where it is. They are going to receive Kshs200,000 each. On this issue, it is true that there was a matter by Mr. Malumbe, whose phone number ends with 757. I know because I have also been following up with him ...
2 Dec 2021 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the Senate today, Thursday, 2nd December, 2021- The Report of the Standing Committee on Labour and Social Welfare on the New Dandora Stadium. Thank you, for your indulgence, Mr. Temporary Speaker. Allow me to quickly mention the recommendations because this is a matter of great public interest. I can see Sen. Kwamboka is listening. Yesterday, the Committee visited the project that had stalled for more than three years. We have written our report. We listened to the Ethics and Anti- Corruption Commission (EACC), ...
2 Dec 2021 in Senate:
(3) Due to the advanced stage of the project, the Senate directs that the County Government of Nairobi City re-engages the contractor to compete this project in the shortest time possible.
2 Dec 2021 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I seek your direction. This is a noble process in the Senate. For the first time, we are approving a name after configuring ourselves as a recruitment agency. We conducted interviews, a report was prepared by the Committee on Finance and Budget and we are now voting. The directions I seek from you are as follows: What happens if the plenary disagrees with the name? Does the process start afresh? Can there be an amendment to the Report? It is important for us to know the implications of whatever actions Senators are going to ...
2 Dec 2021 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. The first thing on the question that I raised is that Standing Order No.72 – which you have mentioned – only stops at the point of the Clerk notifying the appointing authority of the decision of the Senate within seven days of the decision. However, that does not answer the question I asked because if the decision is no, then what happens? That has still not been answered. Secondly, the steps might have been followed – I really hate trying to correct my Senate Majority Leader – the report on this ...
2 Dec 2021 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, even you do not have this Report. No one has seen this Report. We do not know the criteria, we do not know who was No.1 or No.2 and what they looked at. I suggest that you defer this debate until Members receive copies of the Report. The difference between this and the other House, is that the Senate is known to consider matters judiciously and meticulously. We do not just rubber stamp. I do not know any of the applicants. However, I would not want to stand representing Nairobians to just say yes, yet I have ...