8 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to move that the House doth agree with the Committee in the said Report. I would like to request Hon. Wamalwa to second.
8 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, once again Hon. Kamama has been gracious enough to speak fact and truth about the future. I second that the House doth agree with the Report. We were not able to put the Question on the earlier Bill, but permit me to thank the Members of this House for the support they have given on matters relating to the young people of Kenya. Over the last four years, Members of this House have supported the four Bills I brought to this House. I am sure you remember the one on 30 per cent of procurement for ...
8 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, once again Hon. Kamama has been gracious enough to speak fact and truth about the future. I second that the House doth agree with the Report. We were not able to put the Question on the earlier Bill, but permit me to thank the Members of this House for the support they have given on matters relating to the young people of Kenya. Over the last four years, Members of this House have supported the four Bills I brought to this House. I am sure you remember the one on 30 per cent of procurement for ...
8 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
affect counties. All employment in counties must be done in a way that the youth get opportunities. It is no longer about who you know or where you come from or how much you can pay, it is about merit. I wish all the Members of Parliament the best. I will not be back in this House; I will be in the upper House next door.
8 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
affect counties. All employment in counties must be done in a way that the youth get opportunities. It is no longer about who you know or where you come from or how much you can pay, it is about merit. I wish all the Members of Parliament the best. I will not be back in this House; I will be in the upper House next door.
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. First, I would like to thank Hon. M’eruaki for tabling this Motion. I hope it will be taken seriously by Members as well as the Committee on Implementation for the rest of the time that we have here. It is timely. It should be a matter of common practice for the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development to ensure that all roads and constructions incorporate run-off water harvesting and management mechanism. Allow me to just concentrate on urban run-off that happens in the urban areas like Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu and many of ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. First, I would like to thank Hon. M’eruaki for tabling this Motion. I hope it will be taken seriously by Members as well as the Committee on Implementation for the rest of the time that we have here. It is timely. It should be a matter of common practice for the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development to ensure that all roads and constructions incorporate run-off water harvesting and management mechanism. Allow me to just concentrate on urban run-off that happens in the urban areas like Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu and many of ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Nairobi, then we have a situation where we have a lot of damage to property, mould and damp in buildings and basements. It is really dangerous. This causes lowering of the water table because the amount of water that remains on the surface because of the impervious surfaces is greater than that which percolates to the ground. We have not had proper storm water drainage that lets the discharge from buildings and roads to move to the rivers and streams. As we have seen in many parts of the City like South C and South B, that water goes into ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Nairobi, then we have a situation where we have a lot of damage to property, mould and damp in buildings and basements. It is really dangerous. This causes lowering of the water table because the amount of water that remains on the surface because of the impervious surfaces is greater than that which percolates to the ground. We have not had proper storm water drainage that lets the discharge from buildings and roads to move to the rivers and streams. As we have seen in many parts of the City like South C and South B, that water goes into ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I hope I can get back the time that my Member has taken from me. He has my vote in Nairobi. He will vote for me as a Senator. Those are the problems we get when we do not allow some of that water to percolate. Instead of allowing it to percolate into the ground, we should be able to have an effective control of that run-off so that it can be utilised. That includes being able to control and manage the velocity and flow of storm water and reducing pollutant discharges in a ...