Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Parties & Coalitions





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Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Nairobi Senator; Chairman of the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association; National Chairman - TNA (2012-2016).

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 4291 to 4300 of 5036.

  • 7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you. view
  • 7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 9 of the Bill be deleted and substitute it with the following new clause; ‘‘9. The functions of the Authority shall be to (a) advise on formulation of employment policies and strategies for National Government; (b) advise both the National Government on any policy matter concerning employment; (c) develop methodologies for employment measurement, management and promotion; The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: (d) conduct periodic surveys on labour market skills requirements and advice training institutions and job seekers appropriately to ensure that training and skills match the job market requirements; (e) monitor implementation of employment policies and programmes; (f) facilitate cooperation with the National Government, the private sector, the informal sector and foreign governments and institutions to promote and increase access to employment; (g) facilitate, continuous training and other activities of Kenyans to improve their chances of employment and work skills; (h) register persons seeking employment; (i) maintain an integrated and up-to-date database of all persons seeking employment; (j) facilitate the employment ... view
  • 7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: We have amended Clause 9 just to make sure that the functions of the Authority are very clear. Even given our earlier amendments, the Authority will be advising on the formulation of policies. It will advise on policy matters concerning employment. Then it will create a database where any young person in any part of this country who is looking for a job can apply and give their names. So, any entity that wants to hire them can get the names online. That applies even to the private sector. It talks about creating opportunities for internships for our young people ... view
  • 7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, let me clarify on that issue. Members know very well that since we came to this House, I have consistently pushed the interest of the youth. Even the youth trust that whatever I am doing is for them. view
  • 7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Let me explain. Many of our young people in this country do not have opportunity to start school at the same time, even in your village. By the time they are finishing school many of them are either 26 or 27 years and are looking for a job. We have trained teachers who are unemployed and they are 36 years old. Do we want to create an authority where a 36 year old goes to that Authority in Seme and he is told: “You are too old, go away”? We cannot do that. That will be discriminatory because there are ... view
  • 7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: and their ID is one day beyond the age of 35, they are told: “No, we cannot serve you.” Unless we have equal opportunity for education, we cannot do that. view
  • 7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Yes, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I have seen it and I agree. Actually, in my original Bill, I had provided for those youths. So, we just want to retain paragraph (g) as it was in the original Bill. view
  • 7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: I surrender. view
  • 7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, as we go along, you should just give us more opportunity to explain what we mean. Members should not misunderstand that we are trying to remove the youth. If anything, we are helping the youth more. If you look at all the job seekers in this country, 70 per cent of them are youth. If you address the entire issue of employment holistically in that manner, 70 per cent of those who will benefit from this will still be the youth. If you decide to create a Youth Employment Authority, Women Employment Authority and a Person ... view


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