Johnson Arthur Sakaja

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Johnson Arthur Sakaja

Nairobi Senator; Chairman of the Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association; National Chairman - TNA (2012-2016).

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 4331 to 4340 of 5036.

  • 1 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: It is also important to note and to appreciate the Committee’s debate and discussion on the pecuniary low jurisdiction that the magistrates have been given. I concur with Hon. Nyokabi that, indeed, there would be need to revise this upwards because of the nature of the disputes that we have today. However, I note that the Bill actually provides in Part II Section VII (2) that the Chief Justice, from time to time by notice in the Kenya Gazette, may revise the pecuniary limits of jurisdiction set out in the previous sub-section, taking into account inflation and change in prevailing ... view
  • 1 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: It is also interesting to note that, all this time, when it comes to matters of contempt, we have been relying to the English Contempt Law. This provision is probably more than 50 years and it is overdue. It is good that we now have clear provisions in Section X about the situations and circumstances that amount to contempt of court, and the fact that the Magistrates’ Courts will now be able to deal with those issues in the administration of justice. Their inability to deal with issues of contempt have almost led to some form of--- I do not ... view
  • 1 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, it is also important to note one aspect that may relate to a lot of reporting that has been coming out as a result of the cases that are going on. Now, there is power to punish anybody who publishes a report of the evidence taken in any judicial proceeding which has been directed to be held in private. We have seen that publishing some of the evidence that has been provided to be held in private, sometimes, has jeopardized the proper proceedings of that case. Once it is published and it was supposed to be ... view
  • 1 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: It is progressive that additionally administration has been provided for. The administration of the court has been provided for and the provision of a court administrator is, indeed, important so that we can have a better coordination between the Office of the Registrar and the courts that are now all over the country. That is to ensure that they are efficient. view
  • 1 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: The underlying theme of this legislation even as we look at it in depth should be how we should make our courts more efficient and accessible. That is because access to justice is, indeed, the hallmark of human rights. If Kenyans have been provided with the right to go to court and access justice but cannot access it because of the fact that the courts nearest to them do not have sufficient jurisdiction to deal with the matters and they have to go to the High Court, then that is, indeed, denying Kenyans justice. So, the only one thing I ... view
  • 1 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, if you look at some of the infractions to law and disputes that have been coming; employees issues at the lowest level, they show that Kenyans are now more aware of their rights. It is very progressive that those matters can now be dealt with at that level of our courts. When it comes to appeal, if whatever has been determined by those courts can be contested, it is clear in the Civil Procedure Act and the Criminal Procedure Act. If you are not comfortable with the ruling or you do not agree with it, you ... view
  • 1 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: I look forward to interacting with the report of the Committee on this matter. I know very many people - both in the City and back in the village - who have had issues with cases that have taken far too long because of the congestion in our high courts. I hope this will signal reprieve for those who are seeking justice in this country. view
  • 1 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: With those very few remarks, I wish to support. Thank you. view
  • 27 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, our athletes have made us proud, and we must congratulate them. Even as we congratulate them, we must look at how we can focus on sports to unite our country. Just as Hon. Gumbo has said, whenever they win, what we only focus on as a county is the pride that they give us. In addition, we need to look at some of the issues we promised in the manifesto that are not being implemented. I am glad that we have members of the Departmental Committee on Labour and Social Welfare. For example, the national lottery was something ... view
  • 27 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, our athletes have made us proud, and we must congratulate them. Even as we congratulate them, we must look at how we can focus on sports to unite our country. Just as Hon. Gumbo has said, whenever they win, what we only focus on as a county is the pride that they give us. In addition, we need to look at some of the issues we promised in the manifesto that are not being implemented. I am glad that we have members of the Departmental Committee on Labour and Social Welfare. For example, the national lottery was something ... view


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