26 May 2015 in National Assembly:
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26 May 2015 in National Assembly:
THAT, clause 40 be amended in sub-clause (2) by deleting the words “Article 206(1)(b)” appearing immediately after the words “accordance with” and substituting therefor the words “Article 206(1)”.
30 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I rise on a point of order. It is really disheartening because this is a House of procedures and rules. We must transact business in an honest way. I have consulted all the Members who are present here, of the Departmental Committee on Finance, Planning and Trade. We do not recall discussing any of these amendments in the Committee.
30 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
We want to ask if these amendments were discussed, we would like to see the reports of that discussion. If not, may be all of us did not attend, then they can show us the HANSARD of this discussion. Otherwise, these amendments should come in the name of an individual and not a Committee. We cannot misuse our committees.
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Speaker. With all due respect to the Leader of the Minority, he has said something that people like saying. He needs to substantiate so that he does not mislead this House that there are certain areas where it takes extremely long for the people to get IDs, but in certain places, immediately they finish school, the IDs are out there. Can he list for us these areas? This is just for clarity, so that we are clear that what he is talking about is a matter of fact.
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, you have not proposed the Question.
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
I did not hear that. I am sorry, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman.
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, he was giving me some insights on the miraa economy. Clause 114 gives a lot of latitude to the procuring entity to choose a specially permitted method that is beyond what is provided in the Act in exceptional circumstances. These exceptional circumstances are to be determined by the Authority as might be or should be prescribed by the Regulations, but the window is too big for them to decide on where exceptional requirements make it impossible, impractical or uneconomical to comply with the Act and the Regulations. We have provided for all the methods of procurement ...
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
window for a lot of corruption to come in. If a procuring entity just colludes with the Authority to say that a tender is a specially permitted one so that they do not tender for it and they directly give to somebody, we will be opening great loopholes in this Act. I would like to make it known to the Members that the National Treasury agreed with our proposal to delete it and so did the procurement Authority. It is not that the Committee was doing something that was beyond the drafters of this Bill. It is just to make ...
29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I would like to congratulate hon. Wangwe for coming up with this legislation. I think beyond this, we need to look at our education in a very holistic manner. In as much as we are abolishing school fees being charged o our students in Form Four and in Class Eight, there is a The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.