20 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Bill provides for the registration of safe houses, so that we can even legislate and say, if a place meets certain standards, those who cannot even go back and be taken care of as we invoke the other systems within our culture to bring back harmony in those houses, this Bill is, indeed, very necessary. I know Members have noted that there are other pieces of legislation that provide similar provisions, but the fact that this Bill has been approved and has come here means that some issues are not sufficiently stated once. We need to emphasise and re-emphasise. I ...
20 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Secondly, shun the propaganda about this Bill. There are certain things I am hearing which are not in this Bill. There is nothing about marital rape in this Bill. I am a Christian and 1 Corinthians 7:14 tells me that, that does not exist. It says that wife, your body belongs to your husband and husband, your body belongs to your wife. Do not deny one another. I have a Bible here. I am prepared. Hon. Nyenze was misquoting the Bible. The 1 Corinthians 7, verse 4 says:- “The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the ...
20 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Nyokabi is very peaceful, please do not mention her. The man’s face looks like a baseball because it has been cut and stitched repeatedly. That man is tormented. Why can we not think also on how to protect the men and the boy-child from such abuse? One of the beautiful things about this Bill is that it defines what that setting is. I know many are saying that we should just provide for the husband and the wife, but even if you look at it in an economic perspective, the generation we are raising as young people - and ...
20 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
convinced to fully stand up and be counted. Stand up for the vulnerable; the women, men and children of this country. I support.
30 Jul 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. At the outset, I would like to state that, indeed, I am in support of the names that have been proposed as commissioners of the NCIC. As you are aware, this process was kick-started by the Joint Committee on National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity because we had been encountering certain difficulties and we realized when we went through the Act that this Commission needed to be set up via the initiative of Parliament. I wrote, on behalf of the Committee, to the Clerk’s Office. Then the Clerk thereafter instructed the Departmental ...
30 Jul 2014 in National Assembly:
You realize and I have heard the Majority Whip stating as many have stated before that there had been the feeling amongst certain quarters that we needed to amend the mother Act before taking up this process because according to the new dispensation that we have, Parliament does not do interviews. Appointments are done, then vetted by Parliament and then done by the Executive. But the Committee felt very strongly that it is very deliberate and it was right for this particular Commission to be set up by the National Assembly because the NCIC is not the kind of commission ...
30 Jul 2014 in National Assembly:
We are very pleased, as a Committee, that we have reached this point at this time where we have the names of the commissioners because a lot of the work the Committee has tried to do could have moved faster if the commissioners were in place. Having said that, I would like to thank the CEO of the Commission together with the Secretariat because they have been cooperating very well with the Committee and they have been doing a sterling job even in the absence of the commissioners. The Committee felt very strongly that we need a commission that understands ...
30 Jul 2014 in National Assembly:
We feel very strongly that for a long time many Kenyans have not felt as Kenyans as certain parts of this country which is why we felt we need a commission that can actually be proactive and not just reactive: A commission that can see beyond just issues of hate speech but can take measures to create an environment where we all feel as Kenyans and where we all feel we have equal opportunities to pursue an opportunity. I think every Kenyan wherever they are in this country want very simple things; to go about their lives peacefully and to ...
30 Jul 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, there are a number of things that we have already, as a Committee, tasked this commission to take up and I hope that the commissioners who will be selected The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
30 Jul 2014 in National Assembly:
will take this seriously. First, we have commissioned as a Committee in Parliament that the NCIC looks at employment in the counties. In our counties, we have seen many of the counties have become Balkan where you only get a job if you are from a certain ethnicity. We have asked, pursuant to the County Governments Act, that 30 per cent of those who are employed in any county must not come from the dominant community. So, together with the county service boards, the NCIC is conducting a survey to give us a breakdown of everybody who has been employed ...