31 Mar 2022 in Senate:
who would come to my office for those meetings. The amount we were able to secure for the councillors was coming to Kshs250,000 each. Mr Speaker, Sir, we appealed that they consider an increment. I personally asked the President to host all the former councillors to acknowledge that they are the fathers of devolution, that we stand on their shoulders, and to even give them a certificate of recognition for the work that they have done and increased that amount. Appreciating these councillors would go a long way. If they were not preoccupied with this issue that has happened today, ...
31 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I have consulted the Nairobi County delegation and we vote yes on this one report only. Can my deputy, Sen. Omanga, second?
31 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, even on that one, I vote yes. I vote yes even on Sen. Omanga.
31 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I vote yes on the report of the Mediation Committee.
30 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, on a point of order.
30 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, I know my distinguished “uncle” knows many things. He knows how I operate. Is he in order to already insinuate and cast aspersions before I have spoken? I intend to speak o this matter. I spoke very strongly yesterday. He is my Principal in Kenya Kwanza. He should not worry. I am who I am.
30 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am grateful to Sen. Kibiru for raising this matter. The Committee on Finance and Budget has stood on its ground to make sure that before we deal with the Division of Revenue Bill, we address the County Government Grants Bill. It is a very important issue. I prevail upon the leadership of the Senate Majority and Minority leaders. I am glad Sen. Orengo has spoken to balance the pressure which I am sure could be for the interest of the House. We are talking of Kshs39 billion. I know for me, it is Kshs800 million, for ...
30 Mar 2022 in Senate:
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30 Mar 2022 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. The Senate Majority Leader is putting words in my mouth. I did not say that we forget about grants because we need them. I said that once we lose our leverage, that Bill will not--- How long has it taken for the mediation to be done? It has not been done and it will not be done. That is my opinion. He may not agree with it but I have not said forget about it. I have even said the exact amount of money I expect in Nairobi. I do not know ...
30 Mar 2022 in Senate:
You know this is a very serious House and we have rules. You have repeatedly ignored the casual manner in which the Senator for Nandi is mixing languages. This is not a baraza in the street or a forum in Kapsabet. This is the Senate of the Republic of Kenya. When you start in English, you finish in English. You do not mix unless you have quotations. When you start in Swahili, you finish in Swahili. The Senator is treating the House very casually. His off the cuff remarks are very interesting. There are reasons why we have rules. Kindly, ...