Joyce Akai Emanikor

Parties & Coalitions


P. O. Box 158-30500 Lodwar







@jemanikor on Twitter

Joyce Akai Emanikor

Joyce was born in abject poverty. In 2012, she suspended her PhD studies to concentrate. In 1985-1996 she participated in the translation of the bible to Turkana language. Previously, Joyce worked with the United Nations Children and Oxfam Kenya and was actively involved with the community. She puts education empowerment on top of her list in her quest to transform Turkana County. She also believes that without security, there cannot be any development and therefore has been very vocal on issues of security in her parliamentary debates.

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 151 to 160 of 452.

  • 16 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this chance. I want to start by congratulating the Chairperson of this Committee, Hon. (Eng.) Gumbo and his Committee for the good work they have done. They have pulled out all the key issues that are worrying to all Kenyans. When I read the Report, I saw that one of the issues that delayed the tabling of this Report is lack of co-operation from the Accounting Officers, who kept on postponing the meetings. Matters accounts, finance and accountability are so serious that we cannot allow non-co-operation to hinder the process. I ... view
  • 16 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I was talking about the pending bills, the excess expenditure and wastage of public funds in the ministries, departments and agencies. I remember in March this year, the Senate Committee on Finance highlighted the most extravagant counties, including Bungoma County, Turkana County, Kisumu County, Nakuru County and Vihiga County. This is a drop in the ocean of what is happening behind there. I agree with the Committee that failure to settle those bills distorts the financial statements. It impairs the performance of suppliers, the national economy, and the procurement procedures in the ministries, departments ... view
  • 16 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: I also agree with the recommendation which the Committee has given that the pending bills in the ministries must be cleared within the third financial year. The Committee has also recommended that there should be timely exchequer releases, and lifestyle audit of public servants in the national Government and county governments. You know what is happening in the counties. view
  • 10 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this Bill and to thank Hon. Neto for actually thinking of a way to operationalise the Bill that we passed three years ago. It was an emotive Bill and many people were waiting to see it in force. Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, operationalisation of this Bill is very important and if we were just waiting for the whims of the Cabinet Secretary (CS), then we are doing a disservice to the people of Kenya knowing very well how much work the BPOs have done. When I grew up as a ... view
  • 9 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I beg to give notice of the following Motion:- view
  • 9 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: THAT, aware that the use of illicit alcohol and abuse of drugs has reached alarming levels and caused untold suffering to individuals and families throughout the country; further aware that consumption of illicit brew has claimed over 7,000 lives in the last four years; alarmed that the long term impact is detrimental to the socio-economic development of the state; concerned that most rehabilitation centres are in private hands and thus quite expensive for the common Kenyan to afford, particularly the recovering former alcoholics who have benefitted from the recent crackdowns on illicit brews; noting that there is no specific policy ... view
  • 9 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to support the mediated version of the Water Bill, 2015. As a Member of the Committee, I understand how widely consultative The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 9 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: the process was. The mediation has synchronised the Bill with the Constitution. It is a long awaited Bill which has taken close to two years. There is a lot of anxiety in the water industry among the stakeholders, the Ministry and other people. We are happy that we are finally there. view
  • 9 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady. I rise to support the amendment because the addition enriches the clause. view
  • 9 Aug 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I want to join the Chair in rejecting the representation from KEPSA. I am wondering what will happen to the representation from the institution of higher learning. I seek clarification from the Chair. view


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