Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








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P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1101 to 1110 of 1895.

  • 22 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Clause 6 of this Bill encourages both levels of Government and all State organs to embrace the spirit of co-operation, consultation, negotiation, mediation and arbitration as ways of resolving dispute rather than rushing to court now and then. This is in case there is a disagreement between State organs. This calls not only on State organs but also on counties, elected leaders and other offices. What we have been witnessing in the past few days between the county assemblies, the Executive, the Judiciary and National Government--- I think we should encourage more civil ways of dispute resolution mechanisms rather than ... view
  • 22 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: I want to appreciate the National Treasury for allocating the Economic Stimulus Package II Kshs1.45 billion. This money will go to all the constituencies. If you divide the money by 290 constituencies, each constituency will get Kshs5 million. This money is meant to complete the centres of excellence which were initiated in the Economic Stimulus Package I. I appeal to this House to ensure that this money is channeled through the Constituencies Development Fund (CDF) committees in all the 290 constituencies because these projects were started by these committees. So, they are the ones which know where they have reached. view
  • 22 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, still on the Bill, the explanation accompanying the memorandum, as the Mover has said, is that 43 per cent of the latest audited and approved revenue by the National Assembly of 2009/2010 amounts to Kshs529.3 billion. So, the Kshs226.66 billion that will go to the counties is specifically 42.82 per cent. If we fast-track the approval of those audited accounts, maybe, the revenue going to the counties might even increase to 50 per cent. view
  • 22 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Another element that has been stated here is the costing of functions. If the costing of functions that were transferred to counties were done on a more need-to-need basis, maybe, these counties could have received more money than what is stated here. So, the CRA and other agencies in charge of costing of this function should fast-track this so that more money goes to the grassroots. view
  • 22 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: On the finance bills at the county level, where counties are looking for other sources of revenue, I urge the counties not to overburden wananchi at the county level with taxes because that will be contrary to Article 201(b)(i) of the Constitution. They should do a lot of public participation to avoid what we saw in Kiambu County the other day where the courts nullified the Financial Bill of that county. Surely, putting more tax burden on wananchi is a move in the wrong direction. view
  • 22 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, let me very quickly talk about some of the money--- view
  • 22 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: I would like to ask hon. Members to be a little bit attentive. If you look at what is going to the counties, we have money for rural electrification and rural roads. Two things come into my mind, one we need to first of all define county roads. I know the Committee on Transport, Public Works and Housing is working on it. It should fast-track that so that we get to know which are county roads so that we can cost them. We need to know how much should go to counties in terms of roads and even in that ... view
  • 22 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, there is something which is worrying; that is the public debt. If you look at this Bill, the Kshs414.4 billion as opposed to what was in this financial year that is ending in June, Kshs.381.5 billion is being proposed for payment of the public debt. This is a worrying trend and I think we need to find ways of controlling the public debt. Hon. Speaker, as I conclude, I would like to say that it is true that it is still early to measure county governments’ fiscal efficiency, since they have been there for a year. But one ... view
  • 3 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. First of all, let me apologise that I have just walked in. So, I may not have followed a lot. Could I have your attention? My proposal is that we need to marry what hon. Linturi and Midiwo have said and find the way forward. Secondly, what is annoying the Members - this is very important and it is to the Clerks – is that whenever it is known that an amendment does not satisfy the criteria for it to be on the Floor of the House--- Let it not find itself on the ... view
  • 1 Apr 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. I rise to second the Motion. First of all, I would like to thank and commend the President for the elaborate way he has enumerated his public exposition policy for his Government in one year’s time. view


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