Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1161 to 1170 of 1895.

  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, it is very important that Members listen to this because this Committee is established, as I have said, in accordance with the National Assembly Powers and Privileges Act, Cap.6 and I just want to bring to the attention of the Members one section here and it is Clause 10(1). It is on Committee on Privileges which says:- “There shall be established a committee to be known as the Committee of Privileges consisting of the Speaker and ten other Members of the Assembly under the chairmanship of the Speaker.” Hon. Speaker, if Members also see Standing Order No.191, it ... view
  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Another function is to adjudicate on issues that concern the conduct and behavior of members and also very importantly, this is the Committee that decides when some Government organs like the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), the police and others will require the declaration of assets and liabilities of members under the Public Officers Ethics Act. view
  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Members, therefore, I also want hon. Members to know this because as we have said before, the old Constitution used to say that you miss eight consecutive sittings but now it is just eight sittings in a Session. It is good to let hon. Members know what this means because this Committee, as I said earlier, is established under an Act of Parliament; the National Assembly Powers and Privileges Act. I just want to bring hon. Members to be aware of some sections of this Act like Clause 9 on code of conduct which says that the Speaker may, ... view
  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: If you look at Clause 10(4), it says that the Committee of Privileges shall, either of its own motion or as a result of a complaint made by any person, inquire into any alleged breach by any member of the Assembly of the code of conduct issued under section 9, or into any conduct of any member of the Assembly within the precincts of the Assembly (other than the Chamber) which is alleged to have been intended or likely to reflect adversely on the dignity or integrity of the Assembly or the member thereof, or to be contrary to the ... view
  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. I also rise to support this Bill. I will not dwell much on it since a lot has been said. However, this piece of legislation has got a lot of things that really were long overdue. First of all, there is the issue of consolidating all the acts as they are right now. My colleagues have mentioned and I think there are about seven acts that relate to the institution of marriage in our current statute. This Bill is trying to consolidate all of them into one legislative framework. I think the current scattered pieces ... view
  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: parties concerned and this is very well defined in the Memorandum of Objects and Reasons in this Bill. view
  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, it is also good to note that this Bill forms part of the very foundation, as everybody has said, of our family unit. It is always good to say that a country is strong as a family. view
  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, as clearly defined in Article 45(1) of our Constitution, the place of the family is well acknowledged in the Kenyan society and it provides that: view
  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: “The family is the natural and fundamental unit of society and the necessary basis for social order, and shall enjoy the recognition and protection of the State.” So, maybe even some of the reasons why we are seeing some social disorder in so many instances is because of lack of a foundation which is called a family. view
  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, therefore, I also want to agree with my colleagues that family and marriage matters undoubtedly go into the heart of majority, if not all, of the adult population. Therefore, if you look at some of the clauses of this proposed Bill like that important one which contains the definition of marriage in Part II, the General Provisions, Clause 3 says: “Marriage is the voluntary union of a man and a woman whether in a monogamous or polygamous union and registered in accordance with this Act.” view


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