Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1581 to 1590 of 1895.

  • 9 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: We now have the East African Community Protocol on Business in force. Our young men and women operating boda boda businesses get a fairer and friendlier treatment in our neighbouring country of Tanzania than they do in our own country. We are now going to have a borderless community in the name of East Africa, where we will have boda boda operators entering our country freely or having our own operators crossing over to Tanzania frequently from, say, Oloitokitok, at Farakia border point, bringing in small loads of foodstuffs not weighting more than 200 kilograms. view
  • 9 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I do not know whether it is because of lack of rules by the KRA or it is intentional, but KRA officers at our border points really mistreat boda boda operators carrying as little as a bag of, say, sugar, or 100 kilograms of foodstuffs, bought from the other side of the country for small-scale trading in our country. You find that when boda boda operators cross the border to Tanzania, there are no restrictions. Our KRA officers do not mistreat boda boda operators from Tanzania coming to get some foodstuffs from Kenya in the ... view
  • 9 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Another source of harassment for our boda boda operators is the traffic and regular police officers as well as the Administration Police (AP) officers. I was very surprised that they earn two US Dollars in a day. I am very sure that most of their earnings go into the pockets of these officers. So, this is a subsector which needs a lot of protection from the Government, and it should be done as quickly as possible. view
  • 9 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, another form of support that operators in this subsector need from the Government is financing. The Government should create an enabling environment for this subsector to thrive because I am very sure that it will contribute to our economy substantially. I was going to propose that the Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF), which gives groups of youths only Kshs50,000, be enhanced to ensure that boda boda operators access loans individually, so that they can buy motorcycles as individuals, and not as groups. If you have a group of 10 or 20 youths owning only one ... view
  • 9 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: subsector. More so, there should be groups that deal with the welfare of those who operate the boda boda motorcycles. I am very sure that should they be given that opportunity, they will also get space through which their views can be aired to the Ministry, so that the Government can take them into account when it formulates policies. With those remarks, I beg to support. view
  • 8 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to reply. The Authority has engaged four consultancies to undertake survey, design and supervision of water-points development and is currently preparing specifications and bills of quantities to determine the cost of the projects. These projects will be implemented in the following areas: Mandera; Wajir; Garissa, Marsabit; Isiolo; Moyale; Meru North; Meru Central; Nyeri; Nyandarua; Laikipia; and Samburu districts. Mr. Speaker, Sir, the breakdown of the projects to be undertaken by the Authority in 2010/2011 and the cost of each project will be submitted when the consultancy report is ready. view
  • 8 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, Meru Central is covered by two regional development authorities. There is a little part of it that is covered by Ewaso Nyiro Development Authority while the larger part is covered by Tana and Athi River Development Authority (TARDA). In Meru North where Igembe North Constituency is located, we have the following projects: One dam with a capacity of 150,000 cubic metres; one large pan of 80,000 cubic metres; and one medium-size pan of 30,000 cubic metres. We also plan to do rain water harvesting at six different points. With regard to the specific locations where the projects ... view
  • 8 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, that could have been a very good question instead of a point of order. I want to categorically say that the kind of projects that we are intending to do are those for domestic, livestock and irrigation purposes in Meru North. Other projects will help in flood mitigation. I have said that the kind of projects that we have designed for the larger Meru North are about three pumps and six rain water harvesting points. In terms of where they will be, we are waiting for the report of the consultancies that we have engaged to do ... view
  • 8 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, intensive consultations need to be undertaken at all levels. When we engage the consultancies, they really do not know the geographical locations on the ground. So, I do expect that all the stakeholders, including the political leadership, will be consulted. view
  • 8 Feb 2011 in National Assembly: Mr. Speaker, Sir, the reason why in my initial reply I referred to the larger districts is because I am aware that all constituencies are now either districts or contain two or three districts. So, with respect to the hon. Member for Kieni, we have the following projects for the larger Nyeri, one dam of a capacity of 150,000 cubic meters, one large pan of 60,000 cubic meters, two medium-sized pans of 30,000 cubic meters, and rain-harvesting at two points. After we get the report from the consultancies we will know where they have identified as suitable points for these ... view


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